fertile eggs on plane... 5/26/11 UPDATE... Ca. eggs are here in Ill. !

This is what I was wondering. They certainly xray human fetuses. Can't believe they have such a strong xray machine at an airport that it would kill an egg, but anything is possible.

mmaddie's mom :

it is up to the screener and what kind of mood he/she is in that day... etc... etc...

I think this is the most honest answer you will get. Somedays it does feel like you are at the whim/mercy of the TSA when flying. It can even differ from one carrier to another. Southwest does an additional screening when you leave Salt Lake City at the gate before boarding with TSA personnel. I think they are the only carrier that does this and it only seems to be when you are leaving SLC.
That policy has probably changed in the last month too.

I think you have actually come up with the best idea. Some in your check in luggage, some in your carry on and ship some. One way or the other you should get some home. I do agree with you though, no sneaking and if they ask tell them they are eggs. No big deal and if they want to confiscate them let them.​
OK, here's what I would do: Bring the eggs with you to the airport. Be as low-key as possible. When it's your turn, hand the egg container to the TSA offier NEAR the X-ray and tell them with a smile they're fertile and not to X-ray them but that you are taking them through the metal detector - if they look like they don't understand what to do, just ask "hey, what do you do with small dogs and cats that travel in the cabin?" Comply with every "pat down" or whatever they throw at you WITH A SMILE, DO NOT LOSE YOUR COOL, stay friendly and try not to seem weird.

Bring along a printout of some email correspondence with the egg breeder, or something on paper that backs up your story (printout of the place you got them, etc).

If the TSA is getting bent out of shape, just calmly think "collaboration!" and take the POV of "let's try to solve the problem TOGETHER," tell them that when you called ahead they instructed you to do exactly this (even if that's not really the case, it will make you seem responsible and the local TSA won't be able to fight you on it), and if all else fails ask for the TSA supervisor NICELY to request her ideas for how we can all handle this so you a) get on the plane on time, b) your chicks survive without getting cooked in the X-ray.

As long as you remain calm, keep "trying to help them help you," and seem friendly and above all, NORMAL, you'll get on the plane with your chicks. Remember, they are looking for the bad guys; any clues to which you are mentally unstable and/or a religious extremist - not a chicken enthusiast.
Very good advice and some points that I hadn't considered! Thank you!

The other idea that I had was to take twice as many eggs as I really want (say 2 dozen) and tell them that they are welcome to crack as many as they would like, their choice, to satisfy themselves that they really are just eggs. Even if they crack a dozen, I will still have a dozen left... if they crack less than that, well, I will have extras that I can share with a friend of mine who chicken-sits for me while i'm gone. Is that TOO crazy?

If we find out that this works, it will be a blessing for a lot of us... not that we will be flying just to pick up eggs, but if you travel several times a year like we do, it will be nice to know that this is possible!

btw Hollywood Hills Hen... Where are you in Ca. ? because that is where we are going in May that I hope to bring eggs home from. Will actually be looking for someone w/fertile eggs to connect w/while out there. We will be in San Francisco and Somoma Valley areas... you know anyone? What I'd really like to bring home are some green eggs (or brown, if green eggs can't be found) and Bantam size... don't have to be pure-bred as I will be adding them to my mixed flock anyway. Thanks

OOPS... HHHen... just went back and saw you are in LA.
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Hey MMaddie's Mom - it's amazing what we go through to prove we're the good guys, right?!

I actually don't know breeders up in the bay area, but it seems like one of the board's moderators is from the Bay Area - she might know. Also, there is a California Chickens Yahoo! Group that you should be able to join and ask around a bit there. Is there a breed you are interested in? I can post something on the Yahoo! group if you can't access it (but you should be able to do so).
mmaddie's mom :

Very good advice and some points that I hadn't considered! Thank you!

The other idea that I had was to take twice as many eggs as I really want (say 2 dozen) and tell them that they are welcome to crack as many as they would like, their choice, to satisfy themselves that they really are just eggs. Even if they crack a dozen, I will still have a dozen left... if they crack less than that, well, I will have extras that I can share with a friend of mine who chicken-sits for me while i'm gone. Is that TOO crazy?

If we find out that this works, it will be a blessing for a lot of us... not that we will be flying just to pick up eggs, but if you travel several times a year like we do, it will be nice to know that this is possible!

btw Hollywood Hills Hen... Where are you in Ca. ? because that is where we are going in May that I hope to bring eggs home from. Will actually be looking for someone w/fertile eggs to connect w/while out there. We will be in San Francisco and Somoma Valley areas... you know anyone? What I'd really like to bring home are some green eggs (or brown, if green eggs can't be found) and Bantam size... don't have to be pure-bred as I will be adding them to my mixed flock anyway. Thanks

OOPS... HHHen... just went back and saw you are in LA.

Let me know what you're looking for and I'll find them for you.

Do you want all bantam?

I can put a Marans over a AM or visa versa, by then for you.

Make me a list.​
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