Silver pied

In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2016
When introducing a different cock to a pen of hens how long will it take for the eggs that are played to be fertilized by the new
When introducing a different cock to a pen of hens how long will it take for the eggs that are played to be fertilized by the new

It depends on the hens cycle, ie... if you have a hen laying right now with no rooster and she has laid 3ea eggs then chances are you will be to late for that clutch. Now, if they have not laid yet, then it depends on the aggressiveness of the rooster he will court her and once they trade it will be about 3-5 days and she should start laying a fertile clutch. These are not exact times but a rough draft of what to expect I hope it helps, good luck and keep us posted.

Gerald Barker
Sperm of peacocks is less fertile than sperm of turkeys ... regular mating are needed!
The peahen lays every other day, the day she lays she use to refuse mating but the day she doesn't lay she look for mating.
But at the end .... only one spermatozoid for one egg!
In my opinion what makes sense to me is that wild birds can hold enough live sperm to lay an entire clutch. So I can see peafowl having it 8-12 days maybe less or more. I'm sure though they are not breeding every time she's not laying.
They don't like ... white ... pied .... silver pied .... if they have the choice .... an IB with full of colored eyes !
Tends not to be an issue when confined in pens.

Don't forget, peafowl are very social birds. So relationships do actually matter to them.
I am trying to determine.::..
When I switch males in a pen at what point can I depend on the eggs that are being laid have been fertilized by the new cock

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