Finally! A picture of my tattoo...

I love it!
Thanks everyone! The feather is actually a great horned owl feather. It is my favorite bird.

Equus, I got it done right over in East Stroudsburg. The artist there is excellent and I would definitely recommend her. She'll do just about anything for you if you bring her an idea or some kind of reference picture. I emailed her some photographs online and she put together the artwork for my tattoo. The name of the tattoo shop is Vintage Karma.

Her website is Definitely check it out! You could always give her a call or email and set up an appointment for a "meet and greet".

Let me know if you decide to meet her!
Oh my! Oh my oh my!!! That is simply beautiful!!

There is a book on Shamanic beliefs called "The Path of the Feather" Once while in search of my spitual path I read this book and found it very enlightening. The one thing that has always stuck with me is to think of every feather you find as a gift. God, your spirit guides, guardians, angels or whatever leave these gifts for you. They do so because we become so lost in this hurry up life that we don't take time to see the smallest details. Your gift makes you pause and focus on the now, if only for a moment. Take time to catch your breath and look at what is going on around you. You may just be moving too fast to see the answers you are looking for.

By the way, on the front cover of the book is a picture of a Great Horned Owl.
Coyote, that is AWESOME! Gave me chills to read that. I might have to look into that book! I've always loved birds. I don't know what it is about them, but I've always had a connection to them, even when I was younger.

Birdaholic, I was very pleased that my artist used white in my tattoo. Not all tattoo artists will use white ink, but I really think the white helps bring out the details in the feather!
Yeah, that's what she said. I do intend to use lots of sunblock though to help it last as long as possible. So far it looks just as white as it did two months ago when I got the tattoo, so maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones with skin that holds the white ink! I was thinking of doing an all white tattoo for my next, but the fading concerns me. I might just go with black.

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