Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

" YOU KNOW YOU'RE ADDICTED TO RAISING BACKYARD CHICKENS WHEN"......... you have over 200 and the brooder is full and both incubators.....and you've just spent you're whole pay check on misting systems and feed!
:cd: lau:lau
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I could quote everyone's entry and X2 it. Mostly, I'm spending waaay too much time on BYC and I won't even admit how many hours a day to you all!! AND I feel kindrid to a bunch of strangers on BYC that feel (almost) more like family than family
You keep redesigning the plans for the chicken house (to house more birds) and keep redoing the list of breeds you would like to include in your flock.
when you get home from work and go to check out your "ladies" before you go in and kiss your DW/DH.
When you check your Email and 9/10 of it is from BYC and the rest you could now care less about.
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you take all your fans to the chicken house during the summer and tell your husband, I'm sorry but we cant have a fan until 9 pm when the sun goes down. My babies are hot and they cant sweat!
You freeze bottles of water for your birds water bowls and not care what they look like when they go back into the freezer for the night.
A sick chicken comes into the house and stays until it is well!
You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when... your mom and dad go to the store to buy watermelon and corn and you say oh my chickens are going to love me forever and then they say no this is not for the chickens this is for dinner

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