Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You need a support group......Oh wait I have one. BYC
When you're driving along in the countryside and think of every piece of property, 'That would look GREAT with a flock of chickens on it'.
When you spend tons of cash on veggies during the winter so the girls always have something to do.
(When your mom accuses you of trying to kill her with new projects because of all the good ideas you get for your coop/run from BYC.
....You spend hours on a chicken forum (byc of course).

....You blow out your girls eggs that look weird and have a special basket so you can display them in your kitchen.

....You can't help but talk about chickens all the time.
... you read each and every entry in this thread and nodded your head the whole time.
... you join a chicken book club.
... your proudest moment this weekend was checking each chicken over, putting on their new colorful leg bands, and making sure 1 wing on each chicken is clipped so the neighbor's dog doesn't get a midday chicken snack.
... you think chickens are softer than puppies.

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