First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Lotsapaints I had to giggle when you were describing your turkeys. Mine were so opposite when they were young. They let the chicks they brooded with boss them around all the time. I kept thinking, silly turkeys, you are bigger than those chicks, don't let them push you around. The chickens did it for months and then at about five or six months old it dawned on the turkeys that they didn't have to put up with it any more. A few pecks on the heads of pestering chickens and all is well.
I really like the turkeys too. Mine are so calm and I can't wait to add to the numbers. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy, if your chicken coop is big enough and you don't have blackhead in your area, you can keep the turkeys with your chickens. No special housing needed. Mine live with my chickens just fine.
Awesome info posted on the other thread:

For those who have not raised turkeys before, keep in mind that their feed conversion ratio is 2-3# feed per 1# weight gain. So a 10# bird will require 20-30# feed, while a 15# will need 30-45. Multiply that times the number you will be raising, and that will tell you how much feed you will need. And it is a LOT.

A chicken's is 1.6-2# feed per 1# body weight, so for a 7# bird you would use 11.2-14# of feed per bird.
My turkeys live with my chickens too. The turkey hens break up chicken hen fights and the same with the Tom. They are my 'peacekeepers'. They prefer to sleep on top of the coop rather than in it, even in the foulest weather.

I have always had a flock of wild turkeys come through my yard, but I haven't seen them since I got mine.

I may have some eggs to trade. Yesterday was the first day I got 2 eggs. I have a Bourbon Red tom over 1 Bourbon Red, 1 Royal Palm and 1 Black Spanish hens. I know the BR hen is laying, I think the other is the Royal Palm, but I am not sure. There is a different egg color. PM me if you are interested.
They prefer to sleep on top of the coop rather than in it, even in the foulest weather.
Same with mine except in really foul weather they will go inside the coop. During the winter months their feathers would have frost on them from being outside all night.
One other thing to think about that popped into my head when I read the info from 1muttsfan, turkey poults require additional protein for growth. I use gamebird starter and just feed it to all the babies. It doesn't hurt the chicks to have the additional protein and you can get it in medicated (I already have a 50lb bag waiting for this hatch). I keep all my birds on the gambird food since the flock is mixed. I think the starter is 28% and the grower food (what I keep my flock on) is 22% (unmedicated of course).
I'm in! Not sure I'll be able to set on Easter, but pretty close. I have 2 toms - Naraganset and black and 4 hens, slate, RP and 2 bronze - should be interesting babies!
If I've missed adding your name to the list, let me know! I officially paid for some eggs, and I'm really excited about this hatch! Does that make me a complete bird nerd?

I just can't wait!
I built it from a styrofoam shipping container from a local pet store. It was a box that they shipped live fish in. I called and asked them and they told me they give them away or just throw them away. I would coll your local store to see if they have any. The light I got from a local thrift store for $1.50. The HW thermo I had laying around along with the metal grid. I pit water bottles on the bottom to use as heat sinks to slow the cycling of the lights and retain and give off heat. here are a set of plans to build your own incubator / hatcher. You can change the size if you like the principles are the same. *** If you decide to build one yourself note that you will be dealing with electricity and the possibility of shock is prevalent use caution please!***** I have these plans in PDF if anyone wants a copy PM me your e-mail and I will send it to you.

Jesshan8, nice hatcher. You also have a nice incubator, any chance you could send me the plans ?

Chookschick - thanks for hosting the hatchathon !

Lotsapaints - Do we PM you for eggs or do you need to put it in the buy/trade/sell forum?
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Totally deserves a thumb-up vote!

I built it from a styrofoam shipping container from a local pet store. It was a box that they shipped live fish in. I called and asked them and they told me they give them away or just throw them away. I would coll your local store to see if they have any. The light I got from a local thrift store for $1.50. The HW thermo I had laying around along with the metal grid. I pit water bottles on the bottom to use as heat sinks to slow the cycling of the lights and retain and give off heat. here are a set of plans to build your own incubator / hatcher. You can change the size if you like the principles are the same. *** If you decide to build one yourself note that you will be dealing with electricity and the possibility of shock is prevalent use caution please!***** I have these plans in PDF if anyone wants a copy PM me your e-mail and I will send it to you.

I'm still going to be looking for eggs, shipped if necessary, but my preference would be within a few hours drive of the Sacramento area.

If anyone has any, please let me know. I'm not too particular about breeds since this is my first turkey hatch. Although I'd rather have something pretty to look at.

I'm going to be in Concord this weekend for the Marans and Delta meet up bringing all the turkey eggs I have. Shipping to you is hard on the eggs as they go by truck the whole way....

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