First Egg Of The Season - - Anyone Else Get One?

I found 2 more nest today and Cammie is sitting tight, i learned that peas are comunal layers as i found Peaches laying next to cammie, i got to see if there ain't more eggs under Cammie cause she has not left the nest in 2 days and i think the other hen may have been laying with her all this week which means more eggs , will see tomorrow.
I have gotten 7 pea eggs
in 3 days, the hunt is on.
Cammie finely left the nest this morning, i got 2 more pea eggs I think they are peaches but one of these is speckled so Cherry may be laying there as well cause i got 4 new eggs sence the 21st, anyhow i took them traded out them for chicken eggs again and set those under the broody group, that makes 9 now to find out where Miss Dirty & Apple are laying feels like easter
So far I have 2 hens that started laying, a pied and a purple BS. The pied laid 2 eggs so far and the BS laid 3. All 5 are in the incubator and there is life in 4 eggs so far, 1 BS egg is only been in there for 2 days so to early to tell. This year I am going to hatch some and sell eggs too. This way if people want to buy the chicks they can and those who want eggs can do that too
The weather here has gotten colder so the 2 stopped laying but it will be pushing 70 the rest of the week.
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So far I have 2 hens that started laying, a pied and a purple BS. The pied laid 2 eggs so far and the BS laid 3. All 5 are in the incubator and there is life in 4 eggs so far, 1 BS egg is only been in there for 2 days so to early to tell. This year I am going to hatch some and sell eggs too. This way if people want to buy the chicks they can and those who want eggs can do that too :D  The weather here has gotten colder so the 2 stopped laying but it will be pushing 70 the rest of the week.

Congrats !!!!!!!

So far I have NOTHING !!!!!!!! :hit
My girls that are laying will be 2 in august.
I got another egg, caught a hen laying in the guineas nest, that makes 10 under the broodie hen group, Cammie came off the nest and did not go back so i am glad i pulled her eggs when i did.
Now the wait begins to see what developes.
2 more eggs that makes 12 ,found them in another guinea nest, got to check the guinea nest in the garden as i have a hen that hangs out there, bet she is laying in their nest.
Found 2 more eggs one in a guinea nest one on my cyclone rake, they are just laying all over the place cause i caught one hen Layin in 2 different places, but at least they are making it easy on me this year.
That makes 14 in 8 days
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Mine are not doing anything yet. Alsot of displaying and chasing each other around though. Don't remember when my first egg was last year. The most of them are 4 this year.

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