First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I have no idea which of the hybrids fathered the black bird. He isn't built as massive as the other monsters. But his beautiful black color with a beatle green sheen and graceful build have saved him from the bus ride to camp.
Not a big fan of broilers, I think that you should just get some chickens that produce enough eggs to feed the family and perhaps some for neighbors, and have the cocks for meat. I'm a fan of using cocks for meat, not a matter on the breed because most standards are meaty enough.
But that's just me, everyone has their own opinions.

Toads provide eggs and are extremely good eating. You can eat a Holstein ,but an angus tastes better and is not as tough, same thing with chickens. I eat a tone of roosters, had one last night that was a tad tough, the dog will be chewing on the drumstick on labour day.

I bet you can't tell the difference in a meat birds egg and a layers egg, You can their meat.
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seems like this thread started out about cornish cross and has morphed into an anti cornish cross thread. can someone please briefly bring me up to speed on your alternative regimen and philosophy for meat birds? I remember this thread from last year but cant' remember if this is the one that includes fermenting food. I'm raising up some Cobb 500 cornish cross right now and would like to learn more about how to improve their nutrition/bowel health if anyone has info on that.
There was a period a while back where we weighed the pros and cons of fermentation. And we are not anti CX. We are Anti establishment. We KNOW that CX can be managed in a way that prolongs their life to breeding age. Its difficult but doable. I like the CX. I just don't have time due to work to enter into another round of raising them correctly

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