First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Well I haven't heard of seeing wild mealworms, but if you find them go ahead! I've also heard someone dumping an established colony in a compost pile and turning it in.
I'm also raising meal worms for my meat birds. Too bad they didn't produce worms in time to feed them to my meaties. I set up my MW farm in March, and I just started seeing teeny tiny meal worms. Tomorrow is processing day for the birds. Timing is everything. Well my layers will enjoy them in a few weeks. Maybe next time lol.

I raise tapeworms.
Cool! Is there any way to catch them from a backyard, contain them, and have an established colony?

Well I haven't heard of seeing wild mealworms, but if you find them go ahead! I've also heard someone dumping an established colony in a compost pile and turning it in.

Actually, I have caught them wild, but they MAY have come in as eggs in my horse feed, I have only seen them in my horse stalls and mostly just in 1 stall (that horse drops a lot of feed). They appear to come out and eat during the night and hide under the feed pan during the day. Pick up the feed pan and a couple hundred beetles dive down into the bedding.

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