First Snow pictures - Ontario, Canada

Love the pictures! My ducks didn't see that snow, but I did! We're in South Carolina now, but my husband, daughter and I were all born in Northern VT so I had to wave and say hi...we even caught this snowfall visiting relatives this Thanksgiving while duckies stayed behind in 79-degree weather. Makes me wish I could have brought some snow down to them
We'll be lucky if we see an inch this winter!

I definitely know the St Albans drive-in, though. I've been once or twice, but more importantly, it has freaked the heck out of me coming back from trips to Canada. You're driving along the highway after dark, all the sudden there's something glowing in the air ahead! It caught me several times before I learned to anticipate it. Kurtjackie, do you have relatives in Essex Jct? I went to school with a Provost there.

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