First time incubating - so excited!!

Hows it going now @Xmasbaby75 ?

I locked down 7 duck eggs, with 15 chickens. I'm a few hours into day 21/28. 8 chicks have hatched and I have pips in 4 or 5 duck eggs, and a few chicks. One duck is starting to zip, but they are slow. Maybe by morning.

I plan to candle one more time on Saturday morning (day 25) and then begin the lockdown. I can see some movement in there. I really hope everything works out! I'll update as soon as I see a change. Thanks for asking :)
Good luck

They are hatching!! I woke up yesterday morning and I could hear chirping from one of the eggs. About an hour or so later, I saw the first external pip! Well, he or she is still trying to get out. There is zipping around most of the egg, and in a couple of hours it will be at the 24 hour mark from the first pip. If it is not out in 24 hours, should I worry, or is that normal to take so long? I noticed today on the next egg another external pip, and it is rocking like crazy. I'll keep updating! FYI, tomorrow is the official day 28.
Well, #1 is still trying to hatch (24 hours since first external pip). However, #2 just busted out completely, and his first external pip was only about 3 or 4 hours ago. Should I be concerned about #1? Here is a pic of #1 and #2 (from a few hours ago). #1 is the one almost zipped (to the far right), and #2 just has the tiny hole in this pic (middle egg).


Ducks take there time to hatch, grab a book and be patient :) DO NOT open the incubator until everyone is all hatched.
Well, #1 is still trying to hatch (24 hours since first external pip). However, #2 just busted out completely, and his first external pip was only about 3 or 4 hours ago. Should I be concerned about #1? Here is a pic of #1 and #2 (from a few hours ago). #1 is the one almost zipped (to the far right), and #2 just has the tiny hole in this pic (middle egg).


Its not unusual to have the second pipper actually hatch first. Seems to always happen on mine, and I've seen a lot of other say the same. BUT, if its pushing 24 hours, I would be getting concerned. Personally, I'd shine my light on it to try to get some reaction... movement... anything to tell you its still alive.

Is it a chicken or duck egg? I don't get concerned about ducks until at least 36 hours from pip. Chicks are usually faster.
Its not unusual to have the second pipper actually hatch first. Seems to always happen on mine, and I've seen a lot of other say the same. BUT, if its pushing 24 hours, I would be getting concerned. Personally, I'd shine my light on it to try to get some reaction... movement... anything to tell you its still alive.

Is it a chicken or duck egg? I don't get concerned about ducks until at least 36 hours from pip. Chicks are usually faster.
They are Ancona ducks. I have shined the light in there, and it is still moving and chirping. It's just taking him forever to come out. #2 practically flew out, LOL. It really surprised me. Maybe #2 will coach #1 along!
They are Ancona ducks. I have shined the light in there, and it is still moving and chirping. It's just taking him forever to come out. #2 practically flew out, LOL. It really surprised me. Maybe #2 will coach #1 along!

Oh then definitely don't worry yet! They just like to try our patience!
Ooh congrats on being a duck parent!

Indeed, don't worry if they take a pause, mine pipped and waited for 2 days. Then quickly got out in 15 minutes! Are all the pips on the right side (the round end)?

Also, now that one hatched, we need duckling pictures!! :D :celebrate
Ooh congrats on being a duck parent!

Indeed, don't worry if they take a pause, mine pipped and waited for 2 days. Then quickly got out in 15 minutes! Are all the pips on the right side (the round end)?

Also, now that one hatched, we need duckling pictures!!
I've been trying to get a picture! It seems he is shy and ran and hid in the corner where there is no window for me to see him! I hope #2 gives #1 a little nudge :)

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