Flat black comb,no waddles. What is her breed?

Thank you Chris for the heads up on gamefowl. I just spent a few hours surfing the web and learning about the different breeders and the strains they developed. I love learning new things and its a bonus if its about chickens. Who knew that Raven could start these informed reponses? She has been in the coop most of the day with her flock as we got a few inches of snow last night. It is bitter cold too. When she came out this morning, she flew to a roosting branch to avoid touching the snow!
I have an update on Raven. She layed her first egg this weekend. And its blue! Very bright blue like mt ameraucana eggs. Raven still has a black comb and small non-existant black waddles. I knew she was special.
Raven enjoyed scratching in the leaves and looking for goodies this afternoon. It snowed/rained this morning but the sun showed up and took care of all that mess by this afternoon.Miss Raven also layed an egg this morning, it is in a carton along with her fellow pen mates eggs.

Raven enjoyed scratching in the leaves and looking for goodies this afternoon. It snowed/rained this morning but the sun showed up and took care of all that mess by this afternoon.Miss Raven also layed an egg this morning, it is in a carton along with her fellow pen mates eggs.

I know this thread is old but I just picked up 3 EE chicks today and 2 have black eyes & black combs. 1 has black eyes and a reg comb. I asked if there are Ayam running in the flock and seller said yes. 2 chicks are mostly black with a subtle hue of smokey brown on head and feathers. Wondering if they might look like Raven when they mature. I would be ecstatic! Any chance you have pics of her when she was younger?

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