Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

Thank You :)
I bought some last week and hung them right away and they DO work
I hung a plastic water-bag fly trap from Orchard Hardware and it did an amazing job getting rid of the flies.
Trouble was after 2 months there was a horrible smell of decaying corpse which I thought was because finally
with no way out, my rats must be dying under the coop. Good news, I thought.
But with good weather and a fancy garden party coming up this horrible
stench got worse. I tried everything from air freshener to moth balls and nothing helped.
Suddenly it dawned on me to take down the fly trap!

It is such bliss with just that lovely chicken fragrance again!
I ordered a case of vanilla fresheners off Amazon. 24 for $17. Coop smells nice but the flies don't seem to mind. I'll keep them in there a while longer to see if it improves.
Doesn't really surprise me. I make a homemade mosquito,fly, gnat repellant that has vanilla extract in it. :)
Hello! just saw this in popular topics, skimmed, between reading first and last pages, and wanted to share what's working wonders for me.. muscovy ducks! id had an abused rescue years ago that sparked my intrest, met a guy who had a pair left that said might part with might not, so gave him five extra dollars and got abandoned clutch of sisters dozen eggs ready to hatch with them (the kittens hit the bator in the night causing ultimate demise of whole clutch). first week about before female started laying they did nothing and ate nothing but devour every bug no matter how tiny or large that crawled burrowed and flew, that they could get at. Even since i see no bugs in pen but one or two lucky brave stray tiny ants temp, and now that duck on clutch of fertile fifteen count of jumbo eggs, seen some almost half dozen mosquitoes coming out of irises in their pond when got close to check it. I leave that large tub so looks and as more natural and they and young would have somewere to hunt play and hide ect. i used to find all sorts of bugs constantly in that old pen, but even on hot wet ripe days i never see or hear even any bugs for more than seconds even cup fulls i bring in and dump for them, even though they have big stinky left in manure fertilized water plant pond, and couple dozen at least damp rotting logs and stumps to have hunting/hiding areas and perches perfect for them. i do provide pot to bucket of fresh water once two twice daily, and am providing layer pellets as well as scratch ect that get but hardly eating slow to hardly each day. my rhode island red ect coop however just full of flies.
Yes, this works great! I found some at the dollar store with 3 in a pack for a buck. Going back to buy them all!
I wonder if you could mix up some vanilla extract in some water and lightly spray the pine shavings. The vanilla air freshners are working but I cant really mount them down low, because I know my chicken wil try to eat them.

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