Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

I was told to put a couple of pennies in a baggy full of water and hang it would keep flies away. This person swore it worked. Guess what? I had 2 baggies up for weeks and it didn't seem help a bit. They came down today, so if I notice more flies, I'll retract this.
Vanilla....hmmmmm....I wonder if it is the scent of vanilla or something in the little air freshener thing. I think I'll try a mix of vegetable glicerin and vanilla extract on a couple of cotton balls placed in an empty tea sack. I'll let you know....
it might work but a while back I learned just because something smells like vanilla don,t mean it has any in it it may just have chemicals recreating the smell especially on an air freshener, soaking cardboard in pina coladas to get the smell what a visual that is LOL anything is worth a try I am battleing the flys here with fly tape , DE and soda bottle traps
I put up new ones in each coop today as well as the back porch of the house. There aren't any flies but I don't want them to lose effectiveness and have to start over again.

Ya'll be sure to post how well they work out for you. I asked my DD if she thought there was any other reason we didn't have flies. It has been raining quite a bit and the humidity is very high...the usual weather for a massive fly invasion...so we can only attribute it to the air fresheners.
Oooohhh... this could be a perfect controlled experiment. Make sure to have a placebo "control" that is just water!

Maybe 4 large (5x5x5) breathable boxes, each with 100 flies in them and each test potion in the corner. Watch the flies over the course of 10, 30, 60, 120, 300 seconds. See if their behavior changes.

Record the data and analyze!
So I WANTED TO TRY THIS...BUT THEN IT RAINED REALLY HARD right when I was ready to run to the store! So, I gave up, went inside, and found a bottle of Vanilla Fields I got as a gift 2 years ago! (wasn't driving in another storm on my day off!) SPRAYED THE PORCH LIKE MAD!!!! All the chairs, the wood, the plants, myself, the dogs (they were in the way)The flies were far less today than yesterday (I sit out there a lot) - not totally gone, but by far much more tolerable! We have a covered porch, and with the rain all week, the flies have been congregating up there, doing conga lines, tap dancing, having tea parties - can't blame 'em, it's wet in the yard! SO IN MY OPINION - this is a win! PLUS my porch smells YUMMY! Once that bottle is gone, I may invest in some cheap vanilla smell good from the dollar general and see how that goes....
I am going to try it the only hope I have is it does not attract mosquitoes we have not had enough rain this year I have blueberries we really need it but we do not have mosquitoes because of the lack of rain

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