Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

Haven't read all the post but Bounce sheets work too. Some people tie them to their horses halter to keep the face flies away. Other people have had good luck tying them to shrubs that the Deer eat. Deer don't like the smell. Can't blame them for that

Vanilla would sure smell better.
It makes sense. Insects also don't like the smell of lavender or eucalyptus oils. That would probably work too, although lavender isn't as strong as vanilla, so you might need more of those. I've heard people can put fresh eucalyptus around their house to repel creepy crawlies. A lot of these strongly scented essential oils produced by plants were originally adaptations against being eaten by insects. Most herbs work this way. I wouldn't think that "fake" vanilla smell would actually work as well (or better?), but obviously it does.
Maybe that is why I didn't have as many flies last year. This yr they r terrible. I used the vanilla car fresheners, vanilla oil, potpourri liquid, and sprayed the entire coop with vanilla to keep the buffalo gnats away. guess I need to go respray to get rid of flies!!!

edited to add: I use a bug sprayer thing(never had anything in it except my vanilla) I bought at Ace Hardware and fill it with vanilla and water and vanilla potpourri oil...
Edited: OOPS not Essential Oils... vanilla extract and big jugs of potpourri liquid, no EO in them.
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Be careful with essential oils; they are very concentrated and can be dangerous to other animals and birds. The plants themselves are OK since they have not been concentrated, and, if they are not poisonous. Don't experiment with essential oils unless you know what you're doing. I've studied for several years and am not comfortable at all giving EO advice for pets OTHER than just don't use them unless advised by an expert....
I will say that those "tree" vanilla car thingy's are VERY strong and really stink to me. There may be other brands that aren't as bad. But it's interesting that you used it last year by spraying it on and it worked. I'll remember that!!
Sorry I guess I was not clear I do not use essential oil, It is vanilla extract and the big jugs of the potpourri liquid no EO in either. Sorry for the mix up.
No appologies needed. I just know how people get confused. Even though I may know exactly what you mean, some readers will think 'Oh, lets try _____! I've got an old bottle thats almost empty' or something similar. Just the other day at work, I had made and given a little bottle of oils made for fading old scars to one of my friends. I always write what's in the bottle on a label and mark it 'External use only'. My friend read one of the oils and said "oh, so I can use ________ to heal cuts?" I explained no, you can't use it without diluting it and it works in concert with the other oils. They she said "oh, so if I just add it to a little water....." UGHHHHHHHHH! That's why I give the extra warning; some people won't do their homework...
I have been telling people for YEARS that vanilla extract works as a mosquito repellant, no one listens....fine you all can get bugged by bugs. LOL. I am seriously allergic to mosquitos and other biting flies and this is the only thing that works for me really, and you can spray it all over yourself, even your face. I never thought about the car air freshener though.

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