Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

I think it may have to do with the brand you may be using? I am not noticing as much of a decrease in the fly population as I would like...will keep trying though! the flies were awful yesterday and today..
That could be Kelly. I bought the yellow trees at Walmart in the automotive section. I happened to be at Pepboys yesterdays and noticed that they have 12 of them for $4.67. It is certainly not the same "vanilla" fragrance that I have smelled in Yankee candles...that's for sure!
Maybe there is something particular in that brand's fragrance that they hate!
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That is a great price!! Will get theirs and see if it is more effective! Also, how high from the ground do you have yours hanging? My run is a hoop style..and I have them hanging at about 5 foot high..wondering if they need to be lower to the ground for the flies to smell them!
What plants would be effective for fly repellent? I would love to do things naturally if possible.

It worked!! It worked!!

I've always used the really stinky
flytrap "bags"....they did a wonderful job, but the ODOR...OMG
of course, disposing of the filled bags was pretty disgusting too

The only advantage to the stinky bags, was that the flys would die and they couldn't produce offspring

indebted to you once again Judy
Flies have been TERRIBLE this year. I customized our stinky bad traps by cutting off the bottom and taping a bread loaf bag to it so it can hold a million flies instead of a thousand
...million times the stink. I have the strips up too and am hoping my neighbors aren't noticing an increase at their place
Im off today to get the vanilla trees because hubby lifted up the trash can yesterday to set the garbage out and... found about a million maggots under it!!!!
We called the chickies over and they tanked up but, we still needed reinforcements and I hate spraying but, we broke down and sprayed them.

Yesterday was a complete coop overhaul day so we cleaned and treated all the coops with permeritherin and raked out all the runs. Im hoping that will help too... as well as 50 less chickens after Chickenstock on SAt.
can you share more about how many you used? How big your coop/run are? How high did you hang them? Please?

So glad they worked for you!! OH and where did you purchase yours??? I think the brand is influencing results..

wow! I have never heard of that! I am going to have to go get some today..we sure do need them.. flies are terrible here. Thanks! Its great that I finally found something that works..and smells good!
I'm with you. I HATE vanilla smell... anything vanilla. lol.

I think I would rather deal with the stinky fly traps. But then again, I could always hold my nose doing chores.

I do not mind vanilla extract, but any kind of artificial vanilla scent, like air freshener for example, makes me think of cigars, and I have no idea why?
Plus there was the one year that we had a mouse die in the wall in the kitchen, and we ran those vanilla scented plug in's to cover it up, now vanilla smell reminds me of cigars AND dead mice!
Yep....I LOVE vanilla extract too. But there is something in those "vanilla" trees that is downright stinky to me. Maybe brand really is influencing it.

I will say this about our set-up...We don't have a run so to speak. All our large fowl free-range about 1/3 an acre during the day and only come in around 5:00 pm or so. The silkies are in large coops/pens with hardware wire on 3 sides, top to bottom and each pen has it's own run that is about 15 X 8...maybe a little bit bigger. It is mostly dirt now (which they LOVE) but we are getting ready to sod them.

We do keep the pens (which have plywood floors) pretty clean and strip them completely every 2 weeks, sprinkle DE and stall dry down and put fresh shavings in about 5-6 inches deep. Then we dust a little bit more DE over the top of the clean shavings. Also, the dirty shavings are put in large brown paper bags used for yard waste in our county. Then, we take the bags to the landfill nearby and dispose of them. We used to take the shavings out into the woods near the house and dump them and perhaps that made the flies worse.

Also, where I am in Florida the soil drains extremely well. It can rain 4 inches in a day and the next morning there is no water anywhere. I can image if you have clay soil, it will hold the moisture and the flies would be worse.
I'm definitely going to try this in the coop! And I make my own vanilla extract, and I'm going to try dabbing it on myself for mosquito repellant!! Thanks!!

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