Fluffy Butt Friday

I'm not sure why, but when I see a large chicken with a fluffy butt, I'm reminded of this scene from the animated version of Robin Hood.
Adorable! I hope you get some nice brown eggs from her. When she gets big and fluffy and starts laying eggs, post more pictures, especially fluffy butts on Friday.
Kitty is my first cuckoo marans and I although her eggs are slightly darker than normal, she makes up for it by being super sweet, a good flock leader, and a constantly strong layer.
Hi , We would really,really love to see a photo of your maran...and a photo of your eggs...PLEAAAASE
Hi , We would really,really love to see a photo of your maran...and a photo of your eggs...PLEAAAASE  :cd

I'm having trouble finding pictures of my marans that isn't mostly fluffy butts like the photos in my original post, which is weird cause she has an adorably floppy comb. She's busy laying right now, but when she is done I'll go out and get a head shot for you and pictures of the egg.
When I said her eggs were slightly darker than normal, I meant for a non-marans laying hen. For a marans, it's pretty light. I've noticed that when I give her access to dark leafy greens, the shells get darker.

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