Fluffy Butt Friday

I'm having trouble finding pictures of my marans that isn't mostly fluffy butts like the photos in my original post, which is weird cause she has an adorably floppy comb. She's busy laying right now, but when she is done I'll go out and get a head shot for you and pictures of the egg.
When I said her eggs were slightly darker than normal, I meant for a non-marans laying hen. For a marans, it's pretty light. I've noticed that when I give her access to dark leafy greens, the shells get darker.

All right here is my marans. Right now she is laying lighter than normal eggs, once she's back to laying dark eggs I'll post those too.
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Tee hee .. yep, fluffy butts galore around here!

I am not sure why .. I guess because of the breed. In the top photo, from left to right we have a Pekin [or Bantam Cochin, or Pekin Bantam or Pekin Cochin or Pekin Bantam Cochin, depending who you are talking to and from where you hail
] in the middle is a Silkie mix and on the right is a Silkie mix Frizzle.

The bottom photo is two x Pekin butts!

One drawback from having extremely fluffy butts is that after laying their egg, if they linger in the nest box, the eggs dries and sticks to their feathers

I have had to bail up each and all of these gals at some stage or other, while they are walking around the garden, complete with egg, to remove it

They lay in the nest box, jump out and take the egg with them
Thank you so much. I am building a 4 x 4 x 6 coop for my hens as a add on to my run. I bought one of those ''cape cod'' coops from haynedle.com.it is so small i think it was meant for bantams. my pullets were fine there when they were small but i dont want to crowd them so i should be finished this weekend with my coop palace.I just need a window for sunlight.

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