Flying Chickens?


6 Years
Mar 5, 2013
I just heard from home that my chickens were in the front yard of my house. In the suburbs. Luckily a family member was able to get them back in the backyard, however, they flew over my six foot fence to get back into the backyard. I had no idea that they could fly this high! :-O I plan on clipping their wings. I want them to be able to roam, but I definitely don't want them to get into the front yard. Any ideas besides having to clip their wings?
Our EE hens are feathered terrors when it comes to flying. We had to clip their wings, cover over their run *and* raise the fence before they would stop trying to get out. Like you, I didn't know they would fly that high either but they surely do!
All four of my laying hens (Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire Red, Black Australorp and Black Sex Link) can go over a 6.5" privacy fence. Clipping their wings was the only thing that worked, and it lasted about 6 months. It gets a little better as they get heavier, so if they're pullets now they might get weighed down later :)

Edit: We also found they only did it when they were out of food or water, so we make sure to check their food and water twice a day. They have less reason to stray now.
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Thanks everyone! Looks like I'll be clipping wings tonight. Luckily I have a cage they go into when I do maintenance work in the backyard. :)

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