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Quote; Originally posted by Henny peeny,

if a peson is going to kill with a gun they will find a way stricter guns laws for some may be the answer but it is the guns floating out there then are not legal that will find them in the hands of those who WANT to kill not the lincesed ones oh sure the ones who have them in the house is easy acess true but to take all the guns away from all the poeple no there still is guns floating around.

So true, so stricter gun laws will not help. Anybody with a few hundred dollars can get an illegal gun off the streets within a week or two. Those guns are already illegal, and getting one that
way is already illegal. So tighter gun laws help how?
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In the Oregon mall shooting, if I am reading news reports correctly, a man with a CCW gun confronted the shooter shortly before the shooter took his own life.
Here's a list of other shootings where a gun owner shot or confronted the attacker:

Would legal gun owners stop every single shooting from ever happening? No, and few people believe that would be the case.
Can legal gun owners use their weapon to possibly stop a shooter from killing more people, far sooner than the police? In some, perhaps many, cases, yes. It depends greatly on the situation at hand.
Is stationing an armed guard, or arming the staff, at every school the right and only choice? No, I don't believe so.
Some schools might benefit from having a guard, or armed staff, but that should be a decision the school district makes, not one forced upon them.

I don't support the NRA because I don't agree with their politics, which is the same reason I don't support the Brady Campaign either.
I'm rather displeased with the attention on media violence and gun availability, and the limited mention of the declining mental health situation in the US. Many of the shooters this year have been mentally unwell, and while most mentally ill people are not more prone to committing violent crimes, some are and those few would benefit greatly from a proper mental health system. By proper I mean one that offers long term behavioral therapy and not simply a buffet of drugs to experiment with.

This is probably the most insightful post on this thread and I did not want it to get buried. I thought it very accurate (although I do support the NRA) in pointing out that the Mental Health System in this country needs to be addressed. It is sad to know what the mentally unwell go through. Most people are unaware of what really happens, and why it happens with these patients. It is the elephant in the room that nobody seems to see. If you would like to learn a bit about this watch the Frontline Episode on the link below. This will give you a glimpse of what these people are dealing with and the treatment we are giving them in this country.

If you are looking for a cause to take up to make the world a better place, this is a truly noble one.
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I am against mandatory insurance. I have been thinking about people being trained just to buy a gun and I came up with a scenario in my head. Person with no past criminal activity or visiting the looney bin wants to buy a gun. He buys the gun then goes to his mandatory training on how to properly use the weapon and to make his aim better. That man now takes his newly acquired skills and goes and shoots people. I don't think that would happen, but I could very easily see that in the news. Also I understand about the concealec carry taking a class for accuracy because they will be walking around in public with the firearm. I do not see how the mandatory training will help since it is so "hard" to use a firearm.
Nancy Lanza legally bought guns and ammo. She trained with them. Her son may also have trained with them. She had them secured in her home. She had a son, who no news station has reliably reported that has been diagnosed with a mental illness, who could also legally own weapons. If she were alive, she would be facing massive law suits for not stopping this from happening.

The guns were legal....
The ammo was legal....
The son could legally own the guns....

Perhaps insurance isn't such a bad idea. Perhaps limiting internet sales of guns and ammo isn't such a bad thing. Perhaps only allowing certain types of weapons at practice ranges isn't such a bad idea.

I am pretty sure that arming all schools is a bad idea. It won't prevent this from happening again. Most elementary school have only one entry point. Many middle schools have the same set up, with entry through the office, and many high schools have multiple buildings. Schools that had armed officers have still had fatal shootings, without that armed officer making any sort of difference. Even in Fort Hood, it took many well-trained armed officers to bring down the shooter.
There are about 1-2 police officers in every middle school and high school in America. My school has two.
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Nancy Lanza legally bought guns and ammo.  She trained with them.  Her son may also have trained with them.  She had them secured in her home.  She had a son, who no news station has reliably reported that has been diagnosed with a mental illness, who could also legally own weapons.  If she were alive, she would be facing massive law suits for not stopping this from happening. 

The guns were legal....
The ammo was legal....
The son could legally own the guns....

Perhaps insurance isn't such a bad idea.  Perhaps limiting internet sales of guns and ammo isn't such a bad thing.  Perhaps only allowing certain types of weapons at practice ranges isn't such a bad idea.

I am pretty sure that arming all schools is a bad idea.  It won't prevent this from happening again.  Most elementary school have only one entry point.  Many middle schools have the same set up, with entry through the office, and many high schools have multiple buildings.  Schools that had armed officers have still had fatal shootings, without that armed officer making any sort of difference.  Even in Fort Hood, it took many well-trained armed officers to bring down the shooter.
then what is the harm? Try another aproAch like armed cops. Gun bans obviously are not working. You can not legislate morality.
$100 billion for these cops in schools. One cop estimated that it would cost each school $80,000. Smaller government anyone?

That is a lot of money for an something that won't work, and only provides slight peace of mind. Even places that have had armed personnel, tragedies haven't been prevented.

Banks with guards still get robbed, gang warfare still happens with both sides armed, army bases still get shot up. One armed cop in a school with 2400 students isn't going to prevent anything.
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