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The point is that there is no easy solution to dreadful acts of violence. Laws against gun ownership would and could never stop or lessen the dangers we face living in today's society.
Even if guns were wiped off the planet the offenders would find another way, that's just the way it is. It's unfortunate, but we can't protect everybody from everything by passing Laws.
We all face danger and take chances in our day to day lives, any number of things could happen, we will never be able to change that. Risks and danger are an intrinsic part of living.
We could all wrap ourselves in bubble wrap, and hide in a steel box, but is that living?

Yes, smaller government, leaving my rights intact.
I saw a bumper sticker at the time of Columbine. It said,"My gun is responsible for Columbine like my spoon is responsible for making Rosie O'Donnell fat."
$100 billion for these cops in schools. One cop estimated that it would cost each school $80,000. Smaller government anyone?

That is a lot of money for an something that won't work, and only provides slight peace of mind. Even places that have had armed personnel, tragedies haven't been prevented.

Banks with guards still get robbed, gang warfare still happens with both sides armed, army bases still get shot up. One armed cop in a school with 2400 students isn't going to prevent anything.
Prove it... gun bans have already been proven to fail and a shooting at a school with no cops is like proving a negative. And truthfully are not gun laws that effect a fraction of the gun culture really nothing more than a feelgood law anyhow? You living in Texas should already know that

Furthermore, we should then remove guards from banks and maybe do away with the Secret Service. Somehow I think the president will not go along with that.

What we need is real solution on the ground and leadership which is exactly what Wayne Lapierre said regardless what anyone thinks of the NRA. They are experts on the gun culture politicians are not they only know being antigun is election unfreindly in most of America.
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I would rather become a pretty strong socialist country when it come to mental health care. It may already be our government causing Americans to have these crazy thoughts about killing school kids and religious people.
In the Oregon mall shooting, if I am reading news reports correctly, a man with a CCW gun confronted the shooter shortly before the shooter took his own life.
Here's a list of other shootings where a gun owner shot or confronted the attacker:

Would legal gun owners stop every single shooting from ever happening? No, and few people believe that would be the case.
Can legal gun owners use their weapon to possibly stop a shooter from killing more people, far sooner than the police? In some, perhaps many, cases, yes. It depends greatly on the situation at hand.
Is stationing an armed guard, or arming the staff, at every school the right and only choice? No, I don't believe so.
Some schools might benefit from having a guard, or armed staff, but that should be a decision the school district makes, not one forced upon them.

I don't support the NRA because I don't agree with their politics, which is the same reason I don't support the Brady Campaign either.
I'm rather displeased with the attention on media violence and gun availability, and the limited mention of the declining mental health situation in the US. Many of the shooters this year have been mentally unwell, and while most mentally ill people are not more prone to committing violent crimes, some are and those few would benefit greatly from a proper mental health system. By proper I mean one that offers long term behavioral therapy and not simply a buffet of drugs to experiment with.
You have some good points, but the same can be said for having less guns out there. It won't stop all of the shootings, but there would be less.

Also, I know that it is not the gun doing the killing, but the crazy, loon, using it. The problem is that I believe crazy, loons are attracted to guns, conspiracy theories, and seem to be antisocial and anti-government.
Prove it... gun bans have already been proven to fail and a shooting at a school with no cops is like proving a negative. And truthfully are not gun laws that effect a fraction of the gun culture really nothing more than a feelgood law anyhow? You living in Texas should already know that

Furthermore, we should then remove guards from banks and maybe do away with the Secret Service. Somehow I think the president will not go along with that.

What we need is real solution on the ground and leadership which is exactly what Wayne Lapierre said regardless what anyone thinks of the NRA. They are experts on the gun culture politicians are not they only know being antigun is election unfreindly in most of America.
The problem is not the guns that are out there, but who has them, and the amount...there are just to many in the hands of crazies, and the people who fight for the rights of crazy people to be allowed to carry guns...
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You have some good points, but the same can be said for having less guns out there. It won't stop all of the shootings, but there would be less.

Also, I know that it is not the gun doing the killing, but the crazy, loon, using it. The problem is that I believe crazy, loons are attracted to guns, conspiracy theories, and seem to be antisocial and anti-government.

And now the truth comes out. Some friendly advice: while your attempt to associate supporting freedom and liking guns with being "antisocial" and being loony was clever, you need to work on the style. The SPLC has made it into an art, you should visit their site. You see, if you wish to subtly associate something that's not bad with something that is, you need to be less obvious about it. You need to find an antisocial loon or two (bonus points if they're racist or they've killed people), then cherry-pick from their beliefs and associate them with libertarianism or liking guns. The key phrase is "guilt by association." If you pull it off right, you can automatically associate "more than two guns" with "crazed serial killer." There's a trick to it, but you'll get the hang of it.
I'm sorry Matthew, I don't understand what you mean. I am interested though. A little help please?
I am not sure if this is what Mathew means but suppose we did screen gun owners, how exactly do we decide who gets to have one and who doesn't? With no priors and no history of MI it would be difficult. Say we pull the guns from anyone who takes anti-depressants via medical records. Or we pull the guns from anyone with a history of mental illness. And lets not infringe on their liberties while doing so. I would love to hear exactly how this would work.
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