Who do you think the police are that we arm ? Do you think they're people that never have any problems ? Do you think the police should be unarmed because they may have a bad day at sometime ?The assumption that a teacher is qualified (or would want) to carry a weapon is also a stretch for me. They are just people, as flawed as anyone, with bad days and hangovers and breakups and all the crazy things that happen in a person's life that might lead them to choose to take a firearm (if it's available) and do harm to themselves or others.
You're thinking that the people carrying the weapons will have your mindset, I'm thinking that these people have a lot of crap to deal with already, and may not be the best choice to deliberately arm.
You don't have to arm everyone. You only need to put the fear of someone being armed to slow down a person looking to do harm. A soft target is a place that you know all the good people are unarmed.I don't have the answers, but I am pretty sure they don't involve arming everyone. This isn't an easy issue. I get kind of tired of the knee jerk reaction that any regulation is unconstitutional (the courts have ruled repeatedly on this), and that more guns are the only answer. What seems to be missing here is a middle ground of understanding.
I couldn't find any cases that the supreme court has ruled in favor of any laws regulating guns. But they have struck down laws that regulated guns. So it would seem the courts haven't ruled in your favor.