Food Scraps?

lol,,,I personally like giving my chickens and animals some of my scraps because I'm buying good-quality food /organic food, and when I can get any of the grocers to give me some food there going to throw away which is next to never, I like to give it to my animals because most of what they're selling is locally grown or organically grown.

I noticed that some of my animals will fast when they're not feeling well, and just take in some water. I don't worry about that as long as they're getting fluids. And I know in time when they're feeling better they'll eat. And the same with my kids, you know I never worry as long as they're getting some fluids in. When the body feeling better then they will go back to their eating schedule.

I like giving them scraps every morning, anything I eat, they eat:) (except for chicken!)
My birds run is the compost.

They get anything biodegradable.

What they don't eat, they shred and spread.
RonP, I'm pretty new to the chicken world and I've just moved my run to a new part of the yard. Sits right in top of my compost pile now and tube started to pack it down now and the pile is shrinking. How often do you clean the good compost out? I intended it for my my garden but don't know how/when to shovel it out now. We're just renting so it's a temp run set up.
RonP, I'm pretty new to the chicken world and I've just moved my run to a new part of the yard. Sits right in top of my compost pile now and tube started to pack it down now and the pile is shrinking. How often do you clean the good compost out? I intended it for my my garden but don't know how/when to shovel it out now. We're just renting so it's a temp run set up.

Run floor -

wood chips, used pine shavings, dried leaves, yard waste, and basically anything biodegradable - free - 8 - 24 inches deep - composted black gardeners gold gets kicked out of 1/2 hardware fencing and disappears. Level seems to remain constant. Chickens love to dig craters and distribute it for me. I just routinely dump a garbage can full of "browns" into the run. Haven't cleaned it, ever. No mud, bugs, or smell.

As it decomposes the resulting humus / compost gets kicked out of the 1/2 hardware fencing surrounding the lower 2 feet of the run. I can always collect this black gold surrounding the run... or not. If not, it just washes away with a good rain. It's very light and just floats away... A gardener's dream, but alas, I have severe deer issues, rendering gardening an exercise in frustration.

As for compost -

Chickens will do all the turning required.
Leaves which would normally take a year and a half to compost without assistance, take less than 3 months with chicken labor.
Use this as a time guide.

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