For $10 Would You......

Umm... maybe! lol
For 10$ would you go to a sporting goods store and sit in a tent with a bunch of pillows and granola bars and ask averyone who goes by if they want to join you?

For $10, would you go to a justin bieber concert, push your way to the front, jump on the stage, and throw yourself on JB, screaming and flinging your hair?

For $10, would you go to a justin bieber concert, push your way to the front, jump on the stage, and throw yourself on JB, screaming and flinging your hair?

yup, anything to insult JB, LOL

same Q, while your naked...

For $10, would you go to a justin bieber concert, push your way to the front, jump on the stage, and throw yourself on JB, screaming and flinging your hair?

yup, anything to insult JB, LOL

same Q, while your naked...

shoot my daughter would pay you $10 just for the chance.
Sure, if you have something against your tv.

For 10 would you go toy walmart and As the cashier runs your purchases over the scanner, look mesmerized and say, "Wow. Magic!"

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