For $10 Would You......

For 10 dollars yes I would put chicken poo in my hair and then wash it out.

I have a yappy dog if anyone wants it.

For 10 dollars would you give 20 dollars to a homeless man?
I'd be your friend for free but I am a magnamimous person

For 10 bucks would you file your teeth with an emery board?
Yes, cause half of it was given by you but the homeless man would think I'm soooooooooooo generous, but really, you gave him half, but he doesn't know it ha ha ha ha (I'm just kidding by the way, but yes, I would give him 20 dollars)

And the other question, NO WAY, I would not file my teeth!

For $10 would you...

be mean to some one you really loved?
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I don't have the heart to do such a thing

For $10, would you gather a bunch of lightning bugs for me?
I would gather them, fry them up and put them in a stew for you!

For 10 dollars would you do my income taxes?
EWW! I would end up going to the doctor after that!

F $10 W Y: do a head stand in front of people that you think are weird? (I can't do a head stand exept in the pool!

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