For $10 Would You......


same q
Psh, I do that for free. I was talking to an acupuncture therapist at a medical-related convention of sorts, and he offered to stick some needles in my arm. Why not?

For $10, would you ride my crazy horse? Who would absolutely love to become a Pegasus and fly? Poor thing launches himself off the ground (high enough to whack my head on the ceiling), but gravity always brings him down.
Yep, sure would! The wife threatins me with that al the time....of course she doesn't offer me ten bucks either!

For ten dollars would you let your Dad clean your face with his spit and his finger?
ETA: My dad was always cleaning stuff off my face like that when I was growing up, EWWWW!
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For 10$ and a free airline ticket to Seattle would you come and clean my house until I was satisfied?

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