For $10 Would You......

no. that's just gross. (i'll bet the pink duck's poo is purple.

same Q

For $10 would you hang a devils fiddle on your neighbors house?
(Devils fiddle is a piece of twine hung on a house that is around 30 ft or so long. Enough so your not seen.
Then you get a piece of hard pitch (resin) and run the pitch up and down on the twine. It will sound like they have rats in their house. Ok so I did this 40 or so years ago. And I lived on an Island and knew everyone. Now days if you did this someone might take it badly. )
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I sure would

Fro $10 would you dance naked on the table at your next company meeting?

Depends on the company.
For 10, would you ride a bucking bull?

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