For $10 Would You......

Um.... yeah

For $10 would you not feed OR water your chickens/ducks/tukeys (birds) for a week?
Done that before. The chickens' water usually last that long anyway. And they catch their own grubs to eat, and they eat grass.

For $10 would you lock your chickens inside their coop and not let them out for a week?
I would.... If I knew exactly what a person having a heart attack looked like!

Would you, for $10, sit outside in below freezing temps until you shot the weasel that ate six of my chooks?
Heck yes i'd do that, not sure how long i'd stay on for though......

Would you eat a raw chicken egg?

(sorry just saw this and it looked like fun and wasn't going to read through 100+ pages, so if the question has already been asked my bad.....

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