For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

I am in Michigan. It was pretty hot last week and rained a lot but has since cooled back down to the 70's. I did start adding Flax seed to they're food which is the only change I have made. I think I did add to much the first time. It was right around that time that they quit laying. Could it be the flax? They free range in my backyard almost every day so they are never really locked in the coop/run except at night. No new birds and nothing changed in the coop/run. I guess the only change was the flax seed. Should I not add the flax?
I wouldn't think that adding flax would be an issue, as its just supplementing their feed. It's been really hot here in CA as well and my flocks have drastically cut back on egg production. Some breeds will have more issues in the heat.
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I got a few pictures this morning. The black hen is the worst of all. She acts fine but I feel sorry for her. I will be cooking them some eggs today, I already feed mine the shells

Any suggestions? I have cooked several eggs for them today. They actually started eating while I stood there in front of them, which they usually don't do.
Chickens do go through a juvenile molt - they loose their "baby" feathers several times before the reach the age where they will molt as adults.
Thank goodness for this thread! I have 9 ladies that are 14 months old and they went through what I guess was their juvenile molt. Problem is most of their tails are still scruffy looking. It's been more than 3 months and I am wondering if what is happening is more bullying? I have one hen who is "not allowed" to have a tail - she is bottom of the pecking order and that has been going on for awhile. The others are not as bad, but I am concerned. Any ideas, anyone?
I got a few pictures this morning. The black hen is the worst of all. She acts fine but I feel sorry for her. I will be cooking them some eggs today, I already feed mine the shells

All of your pictures look like extreme feather picking. Have you check them for mites/lice? How long have you had them? Are they overcrowded in their coop/run?

The black one *might* be molting, but it's a bit early for a molt in CA unless you have had some stress on them, like a predator attack.
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It's coming up on that time again. Get your molting pictures ready!

(pictures of them molting keeps me entertained while I'm not getting eggs!)
I have 2 hens that looks really awful right now. The first RIR was so pert and shimmery when I got her. Now she has feathers that are sticking out at odd angles, some looking like a vintage feather boa, and near her tail lots of fluff but not the end of her feathers. Some of her tail feathers are gone too. I thought at first that it was because the roo had gotten a hold on her. However, I've been watching and she avoids him. The other RIR looks like her tail is twisted to the side because she's lost the feathers on the other side. Sh's starting to look ratty like the other one too.
She's probably close to molting. Overmating can make them look ratty and causes the bare spot at the base of their tail. (sometimes their head too, where the rooster holds on)

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