Free chick from McMurray

So what did ya'll get as your "extra" chick from McMurray? I am getting my order in about a 1 1/2 weeks. I totally forgot to uncheck the box for getting the extra one
I will. I have enough roos though
But I am super excited to be getting new chicks. And all are new colors/breeds for us. Crossing my fingers that is either a stellar roo that is huge, or a hen.
This is my first go around with roosters and I can't wait. I only ordered 2 Roos anticipating mcmurray will send at least one. I will have over 60 chickens:bun
Oh I saw ur previous post u thought it was ur fault ..I know as soon as I get them to dip each and every beak in water then food and keep them at 95* ..what did u think u did wrong?
Aw, that's sad. But at least if you know what went wrong then maybe you can prevent it from happening again.

I would be happy with getting a golden Polish hen. We already have some of those coming.

But we will have fun guessing which chick is the "extra" one. We ordered a few of a lot of different kinds of chicks. I will have to look at the pics again and compare to see which chick is what kind.

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