Free chick from McMurray

I'm not sure I'll be able to figure out all of my breeds. I have 2 Blue Andalusians coming (can be any of 3 colors), Red Rangers, Red Stars (will they look the same as the rangers?), Silver Gray Dorkings (male and female), Salmon Faverolles (male and female), and Americaunas. It may take me a while to figure out who the bonus chick is LOL
How many do u have coming Christie? I have 61 and like 40 breeds lol I made a chart with them as chicks so hopefully I can match them up lol :ya
I just received my order on Monday very excited and still trying to figure out the breeds lol I ordered 25 and they give you the free chick and then there was an extra. I am excited they were all healthy except one was very weak but we nursed it back and he is doing great which is good because I think its a gold lace polish!!! Here are some pics maybe you can help me decode the breeds lol. It was my first time hatching and I am pleased would order again

Cute! Out of the ones I have (12) all are doing well. I was supposed to have 13, but I miscounted how many EEs I had and shorted myself. My 13Th is with my friend who ordered the bulk of the order, so I'm going to have her bring it to me tomorrow because we are going to drive out a little ways and buy some 12 week old Olive Eggers. :)

Salmon Faverolles (Meyer)

Jersy Giants (MMM)

Mottled Houdan (MMM)

Welsummers (Meyer)

Easter Eggers (Meyer)

Buff Orpington (Meyer)

(assumed) Olive Egger (Meyer)

Out of the others my friend got, she ordered a bunch of Black Stars and Speckled Sussex from MMM and Black Stars and EEs from Meyer. She lost seven of her ten Speckled Sussex, sadly.... And the Golden Polish. I think they had gotten too cold during the shipping.
Celeonecoop did u get urs from Mcmurray? So cute

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