"Freezer Camp" in our Minnesota Coop. Frozen Wattles on Roo.

Thanks Choptank. I love him to bits...such a good Roo. How are you doing after your fire? After tonight I can leave my lamp off for a while. Weather forcast for temps becomes alot nicer.
We are doing good! Got it rebuilt, and got the chickens back last Saturday. I was so excited to have them back. Then on Sunday morning I went up there and the neighbors rooster had tried to attack my roo, he was bloody and all. It was awful. But now he is getting better just has a little blood on his comb and wattles. But all in all we are doing good. Thanks for asking...
Oh he did get banged up, didn't he? poor fella! I think the wattles and combs heal fast though because the blood supply is so good. So there's plus and minuses there. Well I'm glad they are all back home with you and good work getting the coop up so fast. Wow.

What breed are your chickens? Your hen looks exactly like our Sunny. I was told she was a Buff orpington when they picked her out of the water tank at the fleet supply but she just seems different then alot of BO hen pics I've seen. I mean your hen there is a dead ringer for my Sunny for sure.
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Yes he gas healed up pretty fast with a little iodine, peroxide and saline in his eye. His eye was swollen shut. Thanks to my husband who loves to build and work with wood!!!

The one in my profile picture she is a salmon Faverolles. If you look at my pictures I have added you will see some more pictures of her and another one and the rooster. I got them as a trio. If yours looks like that u would say she isn't a book.

As far as my breeds go I have

BO rooster
BO hen
New Hampshire hen
2 speckled Sussex hens
2 Faverolles hens and a rooster for them
4 marans chicks 4 weeks old
And 2 Wyandotte's 1 week old
And 2 barred rocks 1 week old

Shew... think I have enough :)
here is Sunny. The hatchery that these birds came from is probably not that reputable for keeping their lines clean obviously. But it don't really matter to me. Just curious what she might have all mixed in her. So as I said they picked a chick out saying it was a BO. But I wonder about her being part NH like Roger. Or maybe she is NH and the chicks got mixed up in the tank or she forgot and grabbed another NH instead of the BO. I dunno.

She has yellow legs like Roger but none of the scalloping along the neck feathers. This should go on another thread, I know but I got excited when I saw your hen.
I think I got 2 NH's that day instead of one of each. I've been leaning towards that. I'm glad to have her no matter what she is. Her and Roger have been close since they were little chicks. It makes sense. Thanks for your compliments.
I hope by the spring time comes Roger will be all better for you. He sure is handsome.. I have 10 ameracauna eggs and 12 blue/ black/splash/sun Orpington eggs in the incubator. So I will be having another Orpington rooster. Can't wait. Luckily here in NC it doesn't get colder than the teens at night :)
Thanks Choptank. I think he's going to be just fine. Our weather USUALLY takes a drastic turn for the better as far as temperatures go in February. So this is quite unusual for us, even, to have it hanging on like this. There are some big snowfalls February and March they melt down pretty fast. I just look forward to them chasing butterflies and moths out of the grass and dusting under their favorite tree, and chasing down chirping tree frogs. All that good stuff....
wow im lagging! had to catch up lol
well those photos are so much better! the swelling has reduced so much and the black parts look to be drying out beautifully.
very promising :) i love his eye rolling!lol such suspicious little darlings arnt they!haha
im hoping your weather perks up soon you really have your work cut out with those types of temps at the moment and rog being still quite delicate and vunerable to extremes. i dont supose you can put vaseline or anything on at the moment,or can you?
i guess it needs to dry out but i just dont know.
still he looks so chipper and content,guess thats how you do feel when your so loved and pampered!lol lucky boy. xxx

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