"Freezer Camp" in our Minnesota Coop. Frozen Wattles on Roo.

Hi shell. Thanks for poppin' by Rogers thread. Hes doing well. He is itchy I'm guessing as this am I found a puddle of red drops on the poop linoleum. I'm pretty sure he itched one. Of those black wattles and it tore away a bit. It was hard to tell where on him at first but then I detected a small amount of black crusting where its seperating. I'm sure they are driving him nuts. I watched him shake them a couple times. As if to take care of an itch without scratching. Lol. Maybe lesson learned on that. I see his girls try to help him pick at it gently. Sometimes not as gently. Maybe it was one of them too. Lol. Little fluffy butt nurses out there!
The vaseline works to some extent. But am going to get that bag balm. We are going to get in 30s again and I saw a 35 sometime next week.:yesss: hoping the worst is behind us now.
I am so sure that they are itching him to death. Glad to hear the temps are going up for you :) I dont know how you do it. Its in the low 30's here at night and I freeze to death!!!
I am so sure that they are itching him to death. Glad to hear the temps are going up for you :) I dont know how you do it. Its in the low 30's here at night and I freeze to death!!!
I think its all about what your used to choptank. Its weird. In October when the real cool downs start it almost seems harder. And really its just light jacket season for us. If we do a tropical vacation for a week then come back to it...its really bone chilling to us. But now its just sorta there and we just deal with it. I notice it a bit when I take my gloves off to do the water. Wet and frigid are not a good mix. Don't get me wrong though... really looking forward to summer temps!
yes it would make sense for him to be very itchy poor rog must be irritating but itching means healing and thats such a positive sign :)
fluffy butt nurses lol you crack me up! lol
saves you a job picking off the crusty bits thou!lol
sounds like your heading for some sunshine soon. gosh,its gonna feel so blissful! for you and your flock! xx
I'm having a Funny moment right now about Roger. This morning he came tearing out of the coop looking at hens in every direction. He didn't know which way to go. He would grab one and they would squeal and get out of his grip then he'd turn his head for another one.
chase and chased this morning. The boy obviously got a good night sleep and woke up on a mission. Well I went down to the coop on my noon hour to pick up eggs this is what I found.

8 for 9 girls laid before noon today. LOL. No wonder he was in such a tizz. Kind of cracks me up that determination to pass on his genetics.

I swear he knows who's laying eggs.
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Through all of Roger's exertions he lost a wattle eschar today. I cant get over how much is lost still. The other eschar had some clotted blood so that one is starting to tear away too. Cleaned up the blood without removing some clots and applied topical antibiotics ointment.

Do you suppose this is what some old barnyard Roos in Minnesota's tough winters look like? I think I have one now.
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bogtown,he is looking so good! healing up a treat! im so pleased :)
i know his lost a fair bit :( and its such a shame but im guessing this would have happened at some point
even if it hadnt been now. now its done he is recovering and healing beautifully! in the winters to come he
will be better without the lost parts. its great to see the dead bits coming away and whats left looking so pink and healthy
so so pleased for you and gorgeous tootsie xxx

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