"Freezer Camp" in our Minnesota Coop. Frozen Wattles on Roo.

wow he is looking so great
its truely amazing the way he has healed so well! im def looking forward to a nice summer photo of him in the sunshine xx
btw just thought id mention my little song is lines from an old english musical (appart from the 'chicken' bit lol) just realised if you didnt know that then i seemed
a little crazier than is 'safe'
I figured there must have been some point of reference Shell. No worries, my dear. What's the name of the musical?

Last night the kids were watching "Chicken Run" with the claymation birds and characters. It's so cute with their English accents, and thought of you and your birds watching it. Have you seen it? The kids even though they're getting older for these shows still giggled at the hens' fluffly butts pedaling inside the big chicken airplane they made. We were all giggling at the show actually.
oh yeah i love chicken run!lol what cracks me up is they always sell the dvdat vegan festivals!! as a vegan film! lol must put it on for the kids soon its been a long time since isabelle saw it and oliver hasnt yet but i know theyd love it!
the musicals called half a sixpence its nothing to do with chickens thou!lol just popped in my head when i saw your photo cos i thought wow what a picture! xx
Okay so a few more drops of blood on the Linoleum Sunday morning and I noted a loosened black piece of the comb Monday. Today early in the morning it came off and Roger's new look is finalized.

Dub job by "Old Man Winter."

I think Roger Cleaned up pretty good!
wow! he is looking so great! im really pleased for you both :)
its been such an interesting thread to follow and its been wonderful
to witness his strengh and yours. my heart really went out to you
both when you posted the pics of him swollen and black.
now to see him in such good shape has put a huge smile on
my face :) what an incredible boy! xxx
Roger is looking great! George has lost a few of the tips of his comb and the black on his waddles is starting to come off. I will have to post a pic once his "Old Man Winter chop job" is done too. I am liking the sleek and slicked back look.
Shell and Martha: Thanks for checking in on Big Roger. He is looking more slick these days. Less resistance running down his fast little hens...LOL. Poor girls. Martha Please do put some photos up of George. It will be interesting to see him before and after pictures. Plus he's just so gorgeous anyways...golden boy.

Yesterday I shoveled a series of short pathways through some snow from the run to this sunny slope. They got busy right away in this spot free ranging covered green grasses, bug cocoons and all sorts of morsels. Love watching them enjoy this spot. Roger kept track of the sky and woods while the girls did their thing. He's fun to watch. This morning I threw them some scratch and opened the run door. They skipped the scratch and went right over to this slope.

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