French frogs

I know that this gets you fired up, that they are a big evil company that wants to take over the world, but...
Benny's neighbors want to kill him, all his children, all his relatives, because of his religion. They want to wipe an entire country off the map because there is a 3000 year old argument about who was here first. They set off bombs in Paris, and fly planes into the Twin Towers because we support Benny's family. At least we see them on the news. Benny can see them from the top of a high hill.
A little pesticide ain't so bad

Well if you had said that the first time I'd a knowed exactly who you was a talking about. Me hopes all goes well for Benny :fl
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Well if you had said that the first time I'd a knowed exactly who you was a talking about. Me hopes all goes well for Benny :fl
Benny is fine. He doesn't live in fear, and has a normal life and is happy just like the rest of us. I just kind of pick at you because you don't know about this stuff, but I don't guess I did when I was your age either.
For sure! And that's fine. I don't mind getting older. I just wish people would stop expecting me to grow up.

I am living proof of the fact that you don't have to 'grow up'. I generally feel about 15 until I look in the mirror. My mother lived to be 97, and she always said, "Nothing wrong with getting old. Acting old, now that's a sin." I subscribe to those feelings.

Benny is fine. He doesn't live in fear, and has a normal life and is happy just like the rest of us. I just kind of pick at you because you don't know about this stuff, but I don't guess I did when I was your age either.

I don't know if any of us *really* know much about any of this stuff, when we haven't experienced it first hand. There's so much misinformation out there.

There are even news outlets that have some people convinced that Benny's neighbors are the victims and Benny's people are the oppressors: BS.

It's hard to know for certain what is going on on the other side of the globe. Difficult enough to know what's happening in your own back yard. It is logical to asses Monsanto as an evil corporate giant, b/c most multicorps only care about one thing: making as much money as possible in whatever way possible. That's how they became what they are. Of course, there are Americans who will argue for Monsanto and tell you that they are out to solve world hunger and have never oppressed a single soul, and anyone who disagrees is an ignorant hippie and conspiracy nut. Some of these Americans are scientists who speak with conviction and preach what they know.

Without a doubt, there are sheeple on all sides. Sometimes I think the best way to examine these things is by taking ones feelings out of it and looking at the cold hard facts, not just what any one side wants us to see. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but cold, hard evidence is hard to deny.

We live in confusing times. I'm glad chickens are easy and music is good. Whups, there I go. . . hippy-ing again. *Steps down off of soapbox*

Someone give me a window to jump through or an AM to talk about. . .
I know alot of things that might surprise you.

With media bombardment . reporters every where how could you not know . it's all over the news all the time . and real TV dominates the air ways .and its all so redundant over and over and over . DW watches the early morning news. by the time she leaves the house I'm ready to throw the TV out. If I leave it on and let it go till GMA that's five hours of news . they say it I got it that's enough .Let me add this DW saw it on FB the other day ,Politicians like diapers should be changed often and for the same reason
I leave you this to think about .
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