Frindizzle's Funniest Fowl Picture! - Closed (For Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Quail, Parrots, a


Names: Feathers & Jill
Ages: 2 Years
Genders: Hens
Type of Animal: Chickens
Breeds: White Rock & Rhode Island Red
Other: Chicken Photobomb!
Username: Chickenchick11


Names: Snow White & Jill
Ages: 2 Years
Genders: Hens
Type of Animal: Chickens
Breeds: White Rock and Rhode Island Red
Other: Another Chicken Photobomb!
Username: Chickenchick11

Names: Pearl (L) and Agatha (R).
Breed (or variety); Easter Eggers
Ages: 6 Months
Gender: Pullets
Animal: Chickens
User Name: Blooie
Other: Note to self - Do NOT leave the lid off the fermented food!

Edited on accounta I forgot to put my name on my paper.
Last edited:

Name: Amelia and the Silkies (Iralia and Asia)
Age: 11 years (child) and 5 months (silkies)
Gender: Female
Type Of Animal: Chicken
Breed: Partridge Silkie
Other: My daughter sporting the latest ear muff accessory!
Username: @RudiesRoost


 Name: Tyga and Maiya
Age: 1 year and chick at 7 weeks
Gender: Female
Type of Animal: Chicken
Breed: Partridge Laced Wyandotte & RIR Hybrid chick
Other: Mom is thinking...are you for real? really are way too big now!!
Username: @ RudiesRoost
Name: the Rooster House flock
Age: varies
Gender: All hens and 1 roo
Type Of Animal: chicken
Breed: varies
Username: nuklee0

I had early trick or treaters! Pretty awesome costumes!...
Actually this is what happens when I forget to give them their daily treat... They come a'knocking!


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