Frozen eggs!!!

Just make sure you crack them open and DO NOT feed them the shell. Some say you have to cook them, but I have found chickens love eggs and they have everything in their to make a chick, so it has got to be good for them.

Egg shells are not harmful to the chickens. They just give them back the calcium to make more eggs. Crush them to make sure they don't look like eggs.
They say the shells are actually a good way to save $ on oyster shells, which is what I feed mine right now, but when I run out I think I will try recycling the egg shells. One guy told me to bake or cook them on the woodstove and crush them real fine. Just do not feed the shell with the rest of the egg, or in recognizable pieces.
I just crush the shells up to 1/8" or smaller pieces and add to their pellet food.

By brother in law said my chickens eggs have the thickest shells he has ever seen. So I guess that is a good thing?
Good! They shouldn't break easily.
My friends had frozen eggs as well. As long as they don't crack they always ate them.
I live in SW Montana and we were -20 for several days this past week. I had some cracked(frozen) eggs as well. If they're not totally blown open, they're still usable. I get them into the house and let them thaw overnight in a large bowl so if they leak a little bit, it won't get messy. Then I crack them into the blender and add a little milk and blend them. I keep them in a glass container(old milk bottle) and have ready made eggs for scrambling for breakfast....or for making quiche.
The only other suggestion is to collect the eggs several time throughout the day. James Schwindt

I have 15 Golden Sex Link hens and 9 Heinz variety hens. I ate my only rooster last summer when he made the mistake of jumping me from behind. I got the last laugh.
What about one of those reptile heated pads? They are made to go in the tank, under the bedding... So far, we have gotten a few -16 degrees below

Hope you can find something that works!! That's a real bummer to have frozen eggs!!!!
Don't know about heated pads under the nest. I have heated seats in my truck and I have trouble getting my wife off her heated pad on a cold day when travelling. Now she's spoiled.
I am in Canada and we've just had over a week of -32 C. Not sure what that equates to in farenheit but it's cold. Really, really cold. Especially when you add in the nasty wind. I've got five hens and get between 3 and 5 eggs a day, even in this cold. They were taking a long time to lay, so I put a couple of store eggs into a nest box and Voila! they started laying but they all use that one box. I get two very early in the morning and bring them in right away. I then check them again about 10am and everyone has usually laid. If someone is a late layer and the egg freezes to the point of cracking, the dogs get a delicious treat for dinner!
I will still use slightly frozen eggs (unless someone can tell me why I shouldn't).
Is it ok to feed eggs back to the chickens, I don't want them to learn to eat eggs

I spoil my girls...if I have too many eggs (or just as a treat) I scramble up some eggs and feed them to the chickens. They LOVE scrambled eggs and they are good for them too. The shells go into my crushed egg jar that gets crushed into teeny tiny pieces and placed in the Oyster Shell cup in their run. They eat the shells when they need more calcium and I save on Oyster Shells. Its a Win-Win.

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