Ended Funny Chicken Name Contest - Win 60 lbs of Grubbly Layer Feed From GrubblyFarms

My personal hens have old lady names... Frida, Winnie, Sugar, Olive.

But I do love a good celebrity pun name:
Henneth Paltrow
Yolko Ono
Bird Reynolds
Oprah Henfrey
Amelia Eggheart
Meryl Cheep
We have Bareback Jack (feathers are missing on her back), Humpfrey (he as born with a hump back), Beaker, Moe, Larry, and Curly, Yeti and Bigfoot, and many others
We have:
  • Red Leader (a RIR named after Star Wars that was a bit of an a-hole as a chick)
  • Dolley Madi-hen (named after Dolley Madison)
Mean Broody is her new name and I have one. She's a Black Cooper Maran 14 months old her. Her name was Velvet until she became broody.

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