Funny, my rooster doesn't crow


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 1, 2011
Lower Eastern Shore
Acutally when he was younger (teen-ish) he was the 1st to crow. Now that the other 2 roo's are crowing he isn't. He hasn't for awhile either. The other 2 are very mean and are off to freezer camp today. Is he intimidated by the other 2 bullies? Now don't think I'm complaining...the family behind us has 2 or 3 roo's that crow more then enough!
Sometimes the less dominant roos crow less or not at all. You may find as soon as he is the only or dominant roo again, he'll start right back up.
I noticed this morning when I went out to give them treats, he "cracker" was walking around the now empty cage where the other 2 were, and he puffed up and did a funny "dance" if you will, almost like he was glad they were gone. He is now walking around with his head held up, very upright, very handsome man! The girls didn't act wierd this morning but still no eggs. I have 2 cornish rock hens that started laying double yolk yummy eggs! Cant wait for more of them! Oh, my friend who was here watching me cull last nite, asks this morning if I wanted 3 roo's her neighbor has. I laughed and said sure I will send them to freezer camp along with the others!

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