Garden Roof Chicken Coop

At 3' by 7', it's large enough for only 2 chickens using the 10 square feet of run per bird rule of thumb. And even then that's stretching it, because usually you figure 4 square feet inside per bird PLUS 10 square feet outside per bird. The ground under this coop/run is going to get very nasty very quickly.

The other issue I see with this coop is that there is no protection from digging predators. There doesn't appear to be any door to the small enclosed part so the chickens can't be locked inside at night. A wire apron around the perimeter would help.
Thanks for the comments!

Yes, the dowel roost is not working out very well. I am going to swap it out and put in a 2x instead.

I have 3 chickens that have been trying out the coop for about a year now and they are let out when their owners are home to roam the yard. So far their have been no issues with them getting up into the garden space. I think they are just too distracted below to notice that 4' up is more grub? I'm sure it will only take one curious chicken to notice it. Their are a few options if that becomes a favorite snacking spot. (ie: clipped wings or netting)

They live live in the city so 3 is plenty for them and the size is perfect. The ground doesn't get too nasty since the whole coop/run combo is covered. Their are wood chips down and it's fairly thick.

I dug a small trench around the coop and put in 8x16 concrete step stones turned sideways as my digging barrier. I might have to bury hardware cloth underneath the coop floor if the owners notice any digging activity next to the coop.
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Thanks Tigerlilly! I would definitely recommend it. I really don't think my garden would have done as well in the ground versus in a container. Just take care on how you drain excess water (or keep how earth boxes or wicking gardens are designed).

I just wanted to post my page in the area that had chicken coop designs categorized under small, medium, large etc.
How did you set up the drain in this garden? And do you have to worry about the weight from the soil and water on the run?

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