Gathering LIVE foods for your girls!! What do you catch for them????

and same to you!
"It all started with, the Mailman. He thought we ran a daycare. We do not. So, he told a family that had just moved here we did.They came and asked us if we could take care of their daughter lily. We prayed about it felt God said “go for it!” So now we have Lily, and her 3 month old brother, Charlie. If you didn’t get that, just get this- It was a God thing."

Amen!! Everything we do is a God thing:) He works ALL things for the good of those who love Him!
"It all started with, the Mailman. He thought we ran a daycare. We do not. So, he told a family that had just moved here we did.They came and asked us if we could take care of their daughter lily. We prayed about it felt God said “go for it!” So now we have Lily, and her 3 month old brother, Charlie. If you didn’t get that, just get this- It was a God thing."

Amen!! Everything we do is a God thing:) He works ALL things for the good of those who love Him!
She has been such a blessing to us, she seems more like a sister to me, and it teaches me real life things about being a mother.
I use a minnow seine that I usually catch bait in the creek with and my wfe and I will take it out into one of the fields and just start walking wish it right above the top of the grasses. We end up with a ton of grasshoppers in the netting after a short walk. They make excellent bait also. I dump them all into a 5gallon bucket and a short blast from a fire extinguisher kills them all and makes them easier to handle and ration to the girls. They go nuts over them.
I use a minnow seine that I usually catch bait in the creek with and my wfe and I will take it out into one of the fields and just start walking wish it right above the top of the grasses. We end up with a ton of grasshoppers in the netting after a short walk. They make excellent bait also. I dump them all into a 5gallon bucket and a short blast from a fire extinguisher kills them all and makes them easier to handle and ration to the girls. They go nuts over them.
Nice! That is really cool:)
She has been such a blessing to us, she seems more like a sister to me, and it teaches me real life things about being a mother.

Kids are such a blessing:) The Lord has given me a boy and a girl and I love them so much. I often think if my wife or I die we will still have the kids to comfort the one left behind. I know, I am wired:)
I want to see if these grubs can break down waste as fast or faster then red wigglers. Before I did these photo's I put about 4" or 5" of soil, about 2" of rabbit manure on top of the soil, then I put a big piece of zucchini (about 8"long x 5" in diameter) on top of the rabbit manure.

They ate almost all of it in 5 days! I put all this other stuff in the bucket to see what they will eat and how long it will take them to eat it all. From what I was reading they will stay in the ground tell spring! They can eat and eat over winter and produce castings that you can put in your garden and then when they are nice and "gut loaded" give them to your chickens or let them turn into beetles.

This is day 1:)

Believe it or not the brown looking bread thing is a rotting zucchini. In the bottom of this bucket is about 50 Figeater Beetles. I am testing to see how fast they will eat this grass and zucchini!

On the left you should be able to see a little rabbit manure and a zuk that is almost gone. It was big but they ate most of it in 5 days!

This is one of 50 Figeater grubs that are in this bucket!

Down down down:)

I think to much:) LOL!! Please let me know what you guys think of this test. I will write more on the subject and post it on my blog if you guys like it!

God Bless!
I've been feeding mine some redbugs--- which is what I call boxelder bugs which are swarming all over the place. I scoop up handfuls and put them in a pail with a little water at the bottom so they don't escape, and pour it out in the pens.
This summer we've had a lack of rainwater here in New York so we put a sump pump in the creek. (It was so low we had to dig out a hole for the water to be deep enough) While carrying water from the hose to my flowers and garden my girls found out that a minnow would pop out every now and again. Instead of waiting for the next one, they would chase the one with the minnow. It gave us all a laugh every time and they learned what came from the hose.

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