Gender? Dominique chick

I read that Dominque female chicks had a round, even spot & dark shanks/feet. Males have a splotchy, irregular head spot with lighter legs/feet. I'm seeing signs of both but have no other chicks to compare.
I read that Dominque female chicks had a round, even spot & dark shanks/feet. Males have a splotchy, irregular head spot with lighter legs/feet. I'm seeing signs of both but have no other chicks to compare.

This is frequently true but not always, especially where hatchery quality birds are concerned.
This is not an accurate way to sex chicks. Also, please don't pick your chicks up by their heads. It's not a very safe way to hold them.
I have never done it because I think it's mean to the birds but the store my friends got them from did that and they got what they wanted so idk
This is my Dominique. I got it as a Mystery Chick from MurrayMcMurray Hatchery. I'm very pleased with my 20 chicks I ordered from them, btw. This one is 14 Weeks old now. And I'm still not sure of the sex. I believe it is a hen but the other evening I saw her having what looked like a cockfight. With neck feathers standing up on end!!

So? Opinions Please??!!!!!


It's a cockerel. A pullet would be just starting to turn red in the comb at 14 weeks, the black bars are more narrow than the white bars, and the male saddle feathers are just starting to come in on the back.
Thanks! I had that thought it was a cockerel to start with, and called it Hank for a month, then had my doubts, but never really was sure. I see the saddle feathers for sure now that it was pointed out. He's a very pretty little boy! So, Here's to Hank!!

ThAsks for the help!!!!
Thanks! I had that thought it was a cockerel to start with, and called it Hank for a month, then had my doubts, but never really was sure. I see the saddle feathers for sure now that it was pointed out. He's a very pretty little boy! So, Here's to Hank!!
ThAsks for the help!!!!
You're welcome.

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