Genetic Hackle; AKA "Fly Tying Chickens" Info for the interested.

I know when I do the pelts the way I do it is to skin the bird then flesh it (get all the fat/meat off of the skin), wash it with warm water and coat the flesh side (part that was touching meat) with a paste that I make by putting dawn dish soap on first then ajax/comet cleaner. Let that set for a few minutes then wash well in the warm water and follow it with a rinse in cool water. Make sure the water comes out clean when rinsing it. After wash/rinse then put it in a towel and pat/roll dry as possible. After the towel you should blow dry it. I use the shopvac on exhaust or a hair dryer on cool since heat can damage the feathers. Once you dry the feathers then coat the flesh side with borax and put it in a tray of borax (I use the rubbermaid lids), let it sit for about 10 days then flip it so flesh side is up for about 10 days and shake off borax and bag it. After you borax it and place it on the tray, make sure it is in the position you want it to be in because as soon as it dries it can be a pain to get looking right if you didn't place it well. I would share pics of dried pelts but not sure if people would be offended or not
What is the best way to get the feathers clean of chicken poo? I've had some cockerals fight and they've muddied/poo'd up the feathers.
I too am looking for genetic hackle eggs

anyone want to share

I need the long hackle gene to add to my flock
so I can take my plans forward for long soft hackles

thanks in advance

All of the suppliers in this thread are in the States. Anyone know a supplier in Canada?

Thank you so very much.
what prices are you asking and can you ship to tacoma washington i am very interested and will purchase whatever you have please let me know feel free to call 253-722-8229 thank you and my name is lucy
please let me know the pricing on those that you have for sale and would you be willing to ship them to tacoma washington feel free to call 253-722-8229 i am very interested thank you my name is lucy
I too have been a back yard breeder for the last couple of years and am completely humbled by my lack of ability to create my own super fly tying Bantam Barred Rock chicken. I guess I am not as smart as I thought. I would love it if I could find someone that would sell me a few chicks or fertile eggs for "the kind." It doesnt have to be White's platinum quality but I am at a dead end after a lot of work at this point. Anybody willing to lend a hand? I wouldnt expect this to be free...

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