German New Hampshire



Can you guys help me out here and tell me which rooster you like the best. They both are Sheppard cross New Hampshire. The first one I raised and the second one Jeremy sent to me. The one I raised is a lot shorter. The one I bought is going to be a big boy very tall. They are both about 8 months old. Thank you


Can you guys help me out here and tell me which rooster you like the best. They both are Sheppard cross New Hampshire. The first one I raised and the second one Jeremy sent to me. The one I raised is a lot shorter. The one I bought is going to be a big boy very tall. They are both about 8 months old. Thank you

Both appear to be balanced birds .
I actually like the first one best . The second one looks to be in some stage of moult(is he a slow moulting chicken ?) one that is slow moulting never looks all that bad throughout the moult .
Beautiful Birds

Reserve Grand Champion of the show at Bakersfield 11/9/13
7.5 month old New Hampshire k. Bad phone photo, but you get the idea.

I am showing different birds and so far they are dominating the American Class here in Cali and NV. These are awesome birds! This is the biggest win and the strongest competition so far.

Right on...
My two cockerals and one of the girls they will get bred to. The cockeral on the right is larger/longer and much more dominant. Will probably single mate both of them to a few pullets. A not so great pic. of one of the pullets............


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