Get The Ticks Out Of Here!!!!!!


8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
I have a biggg problem. One of my chicks has been getting ticks on his face, and it's really a pain holding him still (he's really skittish)
and another one of my cockerels has on right on his bottom eyelid, and it looks like he's been trying to get it out. Its all swollen around his eye. Does anyone have a chicken safe idea on how I could prevent more ticks from getting on them? Could I use a flea and tick shampoo or is that poisonous for chickens?
I don't have an answer for you, but
I thought the chickens were supposed to eat those things (or so I was told). I live in NJ by the PA border and the ticks have been terrible this year too. I picked up a spray called Poultry Protector . I don't know if it works or not, haven't tried it yet.
^^^^this is what I was going to suggest.

Personally though I haven't had a tick problem since getting the chickens. We don't have guineas yet, but I want some.
Adding another vote for guineas!

Since we let them and the chickens free range during the day, we hardly ever see a tick in our clearing around the camper. If we hit our woods were none of the birds hang out, we're a meal.
I read that one easy way to remove ticks is to put liquid dish soap on a cotton ball and hold it to the tick for about 20-30 seconds. When you lift the cotton ball off, the tick will be stuck to it. Haven't tried it yet with my dog, as I have a "tick key" that makes removal easy, but it might help for chickens.
Guineas! They have made a huge difference here in my woods. Not only ticks, but all kinds of insects including spiders and scorpions and all kinds of flying insects. chickens eat them, too, but guineas are the best. They eat bees, wasps, anything that moves. Adams Flea and Tick Dip is an excellent product for any external parasite, including lice/mites infestations, ticks, and fleas. Mix as directed in a 5 gal. bucket of warm water and dip every bird. Spray the coop, nests, etc. with the left over. It smells (not objectional) for a month or so, so it`s working and there is no need to treat again in 10 days as with many products. Treat the birds now, but get yourself some guineas before they stop laying in the Fall..........Pop

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