Getting a New Dog! ***PICS ADDED*** Updated! WE HAVE PUPPIES!

Aww, poor thing, she does look scared.
HOw old is she again? 7 months?
I have always loved the black and whites.. and shes a cute one! you have her yet? Hows her temperment? Some dogs that are fearful can become biters... Depends on whats goiong on with her, so beware of that.
Keep us updated with her!!
Whats her name?
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<-- Is a big sucker for black and white animals.
She was sniffing around and we have this huge dog crate for her to sleep in since she isnt potty trained yet and it seems like were always doin somethin cause of my nephew.
She lets you pet her no problem but she likes to sniff you first though.
I will absolutely keep you updated on her.

Shes almost a year old, born 2/06/10 I was off a little
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Love the name!

You'll be able to potty train her..just start over like she was a young pup again...
In the crate when shes not 100% in your sight... outside after food/water/play/after waking up.... etc... (i'm sure you know the potty training
Cockers REALLY want to please their owners... she will learn... just be patient.
Good luck!!

OOH and i also LOVE any black and white animal.(pigs/cows/dogs/cats..)... they always draw me in first.
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I would never ever leave her in a crate! I cant stand people that just leave them there and walk away....
The potty training drill is really easy when you get the hang of it
I'll post updates maybe she'll have a litter of pups next year
Shyness in Cockers is really common. Shania is really cute
While she may be shy you don't want to pander to her shyness by allowing her to hide from the family. One thing that REALLY is helpful is doing something called "umbilicle" with her. This is where you have a leash connected to a comfortable collar. Tie the leash to your belt or belt look and have her follow you around the house all day long. The most success you'll have with this is adopting an attitude of matter-of-factness about it. Make it no big deal and just act like its the most natural thing in the world for you. At first when you umbilicle a dog you don't want to actively interact with them!! Sounds odd doesn't it? The reason is you don't know exactly what the dogs mindset is when you first start doing any kind of training (which is what this is). Talking, touching and giving her eye contact is not what you want to do at first. You want her to totally relax before you give attention when umbilicling a dog. If you interact while they are nervous and not relaxed you are only reinforcing the fear in the dog. Its like telling her she's a good girl when she is acting afriad -- no one wants to encourage fear in a dog.

So have her on leash as much as you can, just let her follow you around. After a couple days she'll start to relax and then you can interact with her and let her know you like some of her calm behavior. This is also a good time to start some positive training for sit, wait, stay, come, ect. After she is relaxed start giving treats for good behavior. When she shows a positive interest in something that was making her unsure, praise her and give a treat. When she greets someone confidently allow them to give her a treat. All this will reinforce her confidence and make her easier to train.

I hope this helps you. Please let me know if you try this
Good luck.
Thanks Jaimie

One problem shes never been on a leash or ever worn a collar so we have to let her get use to the leash first but she's doing a lot better today, she slept in my room in my chair and stayed there basically all night, she didnt have any accidents last nite either.
Shes doin good but she's going to take forever for her to trust other people and get use to everyone.
Hi Steven -- It wont take long for her to get used to the leash and collar with the tips I gave you. I have umbilicled dogs that had never been on leash before too. It just takes longer until they are comfortable, but once they get that they can just follow you around all day its like a light goes on and they are happy to do it.
Ok its been a while but here we go.

Just last week we found out that she is pregnant and due to have pups in 2 or less weeks and heres the funny part the seller said that they had her with her brother and sister and her in the same pen!!!!! Well DUH shes going to be pregnant and there like "well its winter time and we didnt think they would breed"
And so I told my mom and shes like take the dog back and tell them they lied to us! Well heres there response "Its your problem now you deal with it!" And she went to the groomers last week and got completely shaved she had fleas so bad they had to flea dip 3 times!! And her hair was soooo matted and nasty! And plus she was wayyyyy underweight the vet said you could see her spine and hip and all her hair would cover it so you wouldnt be able to tell and my mom and her friends were talking about it last week and they said to report them! I'm not sure if my mom is going to or not but I'm not.

Plus she is my moms and sisters dog now.

UGHHHHHH Anyone in Illinois want a cocker spaniel puppy? Or have advice on what to do?

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