Girls vs Girls

I don't know the name of it. I just always pick it up at my local TSC, I believe it's a broad spectrum one.
Hmm, we dont' have a TSC, so I guess I'll go to the farm and ranch supply and see if they have general poutltry vitamins. It cans hurt the poor girl. Gald to know that ducks like grass, I don't see mine eat much of it, but they eat the crap out of bugs and grain.
I hope it works out for you Amiga
. I know how much you care for your birds
I feel bad I didn't use vit/min sooner, but they free range almost all spring, summer, and fall. Oh well, can't hurt. How often? I'm a minimalist, I really prefer them nibble what they need from gardens, bushes, trees, and all that natural unmanicured green goodness the Earth has provided me with. And what eats it, in the case of the ducks and turkeys. None of my chickens will ever get to be free again. I've lost too many to human preditors. I'm gonna put a lock on my new chicken coop. They can still eggs, but the birds stay **** it.
I usually try to do it at least once a week but some weeks I am off. I'm sorry amiga but I've got to get some sleep. I will try to be on some tomorrow but I'm not sure how early. I hope your duck feels better
Hi everyone!
We're almost done with our new recyced Java only luxury condo with full 8 x 12 run. Woo Hoo! Cutest chicken house ever, even used recyced windowns and drawers for pull out hen nests! I'll send pics.

Also, Lucky and Baby Girl (recovery from dog attack 2 weeks ago) are happy to be outside on this warm humid late fall day. It seems to be cheering them up.

I can't find a goat hay feeder anywhere, so I have to make one. AND, they sell good used skids at our feed store for $3 ea. Really nice ones, so I'm going to use them for the barn and goat fence. Easy, strudy, and helps disguise my city goats from prying eyes. LOL

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