Give me pictures of your chickens and I'll try to sex them

These guys/girls are 5-6 weeks old in these pictures. What do you think?

This is a Bantam

These are a Blue Andalusian and a Buff Orpington

Tractor supply chicks...Asked for 6 pullets and they gave me these. (Not sure of the breed) They are about 7/8 weeks old now. How many Roos do you think I have here?

How about these ones?
Barred Rock 3.5 weeks old

Rhode Island Red 6.5 weeks old

Barred Rock 5.5 weeks old

Black Mottled D'uccle 5.5 weeks old

Not sure if she's too early to sex but I've been trying to identify if this is a marans or a barred rock. About 1.5 wks, and does have some black on legs.


Not questioning your answer but am trying to learn - why do you say rooster? Thanks for the help.
No problem. I say rooster because, for its age, your chick has a large, red comb and wattles. Also, it shows three well-defined ridges in its pea comb, which is usually only seen in Easter Egger/Ameraucana cockerels or mature hens. The coloring and feathers are other signs--very few EE pullets will have that black and white coloring, and I'm pretty sure I see some pointed saddle (back) feathers growing in, which only cockerels have.

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