Giving an injection to 2 yo male pekin: swollen leg


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2016

I have a 2 year old male pekin who has had a swollen, hot leg for several months, on and off. For the last few weeks it has been persistent and getting worse. We have taken him to the vet 3x now over the past year, and though the vet tries to help he is not really a specialist in poultry and fowl and it is a lot of guessing. We have treated orally with antibiotics for an infection with no results. The vet thinks it could be a break in the leg, but he doesn't seem to be sure. No signs of bumblefoot or cuts of any kind.

Before getting into x rays and all that I would like to try treat him for a bacterial infection by injection based on similar cases I have read about in the BYC forums. The BYC threads from the past recommends baytril or tylan, and I would have to go with whichever I can get at the feed supply store.

Does anyone have any idea about whether injecting directly in the leg is best, or elsewhere? I have no clue. Or the best way to give the injection? Also, does anyone know the dosage for a duck for either baytril or tylan? It looks like tylan is sold in cow-size doses. Any possible harmful side effects?

Any help is appreciated, or thoughts on how to deal with this. I have never injected my ducks or chickens. My poor duck can barely walk.

thanks in advance.
I know zero about ducks but I do know you will not be able to get Baytril at a feed store and if I had to choose to use one of those two products I would choose the Baytril in a heartbeat.

Yes Tylan is sold in "larger" bottles but that has nothing to do with a dose amount.

Since you have already been seeing a vet have you asked his opinion on using one of these?
Injections are usually given into the breast muscle. Do you have any pictures of the swollen leg? Tylan is used in treatment of mycoplasma synovitis or MS, and that mostly causes swelling in the leg joints. If the swelling involves more than that, then a picture may help. Are there any bumblefoot scabs on the footpads? I would think that the vet should have a few ideas. An xray could rule out a broken bone pretty fast.

Thanks for the information. The ducks are bedded down and I don't have a picture, but the leg has a bulbous swelling near the top but the entire leg is thicker than his other, normal leg. There is no sign of bumblefoot or scabs on the foot. I am mostly worried about the leg but he does have sinus issues as well--the vet was treating him for general infections to hit both problems but after two rounds nothing has changed. We will probably take him back to the vet but it is expensive and a little frustrating because the vet is great and helpful as possible but isn't an avian vet (he's all we've got).

thanks for the injection info, if we go that route it will be extremely helpful.

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