GLuten free feed??????


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 2, 2012
My child has celiac, to the point where eggs hurt her tummy. No she is not allergic to eggs. I cannot find a premixed gluten free chicken feed. My chickens are about 18weeks old. I need recipes PLEASE for a gluten free mix.

As I understand it, gluten is a component of certain grains and the products made from them, such as: bread and macaroni. Inasmuch as eggs are not made from grain, I would not expect them to contain gluten. It may well be that her celiac disease is exacerbated by something in addition to gluten. Since celiac disease is not simply sensitivity to gluten, a dietary elimination may be in order to identify the foods that trigger the response. There are many things that an egg comes in contact with when it is prepared and served.

I imagine that this would be similar to isolating any other allergen. Some folks track down all manner of things that cause allergies: dust, strawberries, nuts. It took forever to determine that one of my brothers was allergic to dust. Fortunately he outgrew it.

Good luck in finding the culprit.

I am aware that eggs do not contain gluten themselves but neither does my breastmilk. However if i consume the gluten protien and then nurse her she has a reaction. The same type of thing is happening with eggs. We have eliminated to our hearts content and the ONLY common denominator is gluten. Our milk comes from pastured cows that never eat things like rye, wheat, or barely. she does fine with those things. I thought it may be possible to eliminate gluten from our chicken feed so she could also consume eggs
I read your post when last night but didn't really feel I had much to contribute and really thought someone else would chime in. So.......

Have you looked at the threads on mixing your own feed? I don't do this so I'm not too familiar with the different components. BUT, I do know feeding chickens doesn't need to be rocket science. Fifty years ago, a lot of backyard flocks free ranged and were supplemented with corn only. I've spoken to many older folks who raised birds, for meat and eggs, on corn only. I had a patient with severe soy allergy, she could not eat meat that had eaten soy. Her daughter raised chickens on pure corn and the patient tolerated both the eggs and meat. It's not the healthiest diet for the bird, but if they're able to free range that could be a start.

Can you do soy? I know my feed store sells soy pellets to boost the protein percentage of a grain based feed. Peas/lentils are also good protein boosters.

I think, were I in your position, I'd start with some corn, oats and lentils. I personally don't like soy so I avoid it, but that's me. I'd free range or have a tractor to move around the lawn at minimum. I'd grow swiss chard and other greens to supplement and perhaps look into growing some feeder insects like mealworms, earthworms, etc.

Sounds like your birds aren't laying yet? So you'll just have to keep an eye on them and tweak the diet. Eventually they'll need some calcium supplement, oyster shell will work well and I always feed their own shells back to them.

Hope this helps some. Keep in mind chickens are tough, they can handle a lot of trial and error.
You are right that my chickies are not yet laying. that is about 6wks ish out. I am tired of the chicken poo all over the yard and have been looking at a possible tractor with a basket of hay to lay in.

Thankyou. After researching online and looking at what a "feral" chicken might eat i think that the birds will be fine with our garden and table scraps, meal worms/dry or fresh, crickets, and then our left over cooked rice, lentils, field peas, cracked corn, milo, millet, wild bird seed, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, and whatnot. I can get large amounts of those things for my family consumption and just add extra poundage to the orders for the birds. I have been reading about depression era bird keeping and honestly i think we must baby our chickens now. Not just chickens but all our animals. My gma says her dog ate the meat cuts her family wouldnt like the tongue and liver, baked and cracked cow bones, and leftovers. They NEVER bought dog food. It makes me wonder how or why we got to the point we are at now. BTW her dog lived until 15 on this diet.

No we do not do soy. My eldest daughter has reactions to soy and the chickens are currently soy and corn free just because the soy free feed i use is also corn free.
Sounds like you have a good plan. I know folks say not to expect the ultra-high production of many of today's birds unless you give them "feed", it will be interesting to see how your birds are laying in a few months on this diet.

I agree about the coddling our animals nowadays. I could go on and on about the big agra industries invading all aspects of our lives........

but I won't.

Hope you come up with good eggs for your littles.
I agree with you. I stopped feeding all my pets commercial pet food a long time ago, after working in a pet store and researching the ingredients and cooking processes of the pet food brands. If people could see what went into the animal food they buy they would be disgusted. Also the processing of the food is harmful to what little nutrients remain in the processed food, so manufacturers have to add chemicals and preservatives, salt and other stuff.

Then they market the brands with crazy claims about prolonging beloved pets lives, and dental care, and prevents illnesses etc etc, and these claims are simply not true, or are, at best, vague in their wording to mislead consumers.

Many people are now at the point when they are feeding their pets nothing more than dry hight temperature baked crusty corn waste, with some undesirable animal bi products that are not fit for human consumption, all mixed together with additives, preservatives and colouring.

No wonder now so many pets, like dogs and cats, are overweight, have skin allergies and digestive problem and the worst dental health since time began!

Now I feed my dog human grade meat, with bones and internal organs included. I feed my pet birds a good quality seed mix (no coloured flavoured corn pellets), fresh vegetables and fruit, organic calcium sources such as cuttle bone and egg shells. Since stopping the artificial diets all my pets are much more healthy, and my dogs bad teeth have totally cleared up.

I am now in the process of changing my own diet to cut out processed foods after seeing the effect they have on animals.

I now think most dry pet foods are simply easy ways for counties to get rid of their grain surplus and bi products from the food industry.
Oh, forgot to say I also feed my chickens NO commercial food - even the chicks.

They all free range in the day for food. I supplement their diet 2 time a day with various kitchen leftovers and also uncooked rice and some left over seeds from my pet birds. They eat crushed egg shell for calcium and the chicks get a treat of scrambled eggs. I breed my own mealworms and they have them as treats. The also get fresh green leafy vegetables from my own garden. They all lay lots of eggs, and raise lots of healthy chicks too.
You might want to look into non-GMO grains. It might not be the gluten in the grains at all, but the fact that it's GMO grain. I have indeed heard of this in children being documented as the GMO grains' fault. GMO grains cause allergic reactions in some people that is extreme. And remember, Corn and Soy are the two most likely to be GMO.
Thankyou for this suggestion. We do not eat gmo foods. I carefully choose my grain, seed, and produce to try to ensure we do not eat gmo/hormone induced/ultraviolet treated and what not foods. sometimes i look at my kitchen and think well poo what are we eating i prepped nothing. but there is always greens and potatos. poor fast food for you. It is indeed a celiac issue and a soy sensitivity. I am lucky enough to have BLUE CORN that has been in my area for over 100 years. the gentleman that grew it recently passed and it crosses back to yellow easily so i try my bst to make sure yellow corn growers are not close. WOW way off tangent here.

As far as feeding the dog goes........well i decided not to buy her more dog food but to cook her rice and carrots in a beef bone broth. 2c a day should be plenty plus she gets our meaty table scraps and animal innards i wont touch. Can chickens have crab shells and left over meat?

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